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Andrés Hurtado attacks Alfredo Benavides LIVE: “You are an imb…, you left and left me here”

Tense moments. Alfredo Benavides He arrived as a guest, along with his brother and the rest of the cast of ‘JB on ATV’to ‘Saturday with Andrés’, to be part of a fun sequence of the Panamericana program.

After the jokes made between ‘Chibolín’ and Jorge Benavides, Alfredo Benavides approached Andrés Hurtado’s side to rebuke him about the comments he made against him.

Alfredo expressed.

Hurtado did not remain silent and responded to Benavides with everything, although it was in a joking tone, the insults were not lacking, something that surprised those present.

After the altercation, Alfredo returned to his place to the laughter of the production team who took the tense dialogue as part of the show.

Andrés Hurtado attacks Alfredo Benavides

Andrés Hurtado attacks Alfredo Benavides. Video: Panamericana TV


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