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Andrés Hurtado “Chibolín” would leave Panamericana TV and would be “flirting” with another channel

HELLO, MY GUY. I’m packed to tell you the latest on ‘Chollywood’… BRUNELLA OVEN She commented that she is afraid of heights and the production of ‘America Today’ had no better idea than to send her over a suspension bridge. How bad…

Indeed, GISELA VALCÁRCEL was yesterday having lunch with YACO ESKENAZI Y ETHEL WELL. It seems that the new season of ‘In this kitchen… I’m in charge’ is coming. AHA…

The seer MONICA GALIANI said that the relationship FLAVIA LAOS Y AUSTIN PALAO will go through a strong crisis in August and they will end. Oops…

RODRIGO ‘Cat’ CUBA he goes out of his way for little Aissa and took it upon himself to make her sleep, so that ALE has a rest. Great for…

The Chinese little girl JASMINE PINEDO He maintained that his current partner, PEDRO ARAUJO, takes with humor that she is a media person and everything that is stated in the networks and in the media about their romance. That…

Supposedly ANDRÉS HURTADO, ‘Chibolín’, would leave Panamericana and would be ‘flirting’ with another channel. Pure marketing… Now I’m taking it off because my sweetheart asks me to give him a lot of love tonight… Suuuaaaveee.

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