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Andy and Lucas separate due to a health problem

Andy and Lucas separate due to a health problem

The participation of Andy and Lucas in El Hormiguero was accompanied by the announcement of an exclusive about them that was going to surprise many fans. Far from what singers usually promote on top-rated television spots, the duo from Cádiz has announced their retirement from the world of music.

The couple, who have shared a twenty-year career on stage, will leave their profession after a farewell tour in which they intend to say goodbye throughout Spain. So far, Cadiz, Seville, Barcelona and Madrid are the only four confirmed places.

The painful decision has been made on medical recommendation, since Lucas has been diagnosed with heart disease. Five years ago I took the business reins of Andy and Lucas and day to day life has been complicated. A year ago I started getting dizzy which resulted in high tension. They referred me to a cardiologist and we have decided that it is best to slow down a little.

Avoiding the word separation, the two have assumed that they do not know if there will be a return at some point. We have been non-stop for twenty years. Pick and shovel. And when we come back from a concert we work day by day talking to promoters. On a day-to-day basis I take things to bed and it has been seen on a day-to-day basis that it has affected me, Lucas said.

With the fans present on the set unable to hold back their tears, Andy has also given his version of the events. The day he told me, I thought it was nothing, I tried to support him as always and not give it importance, but with the visits to the cardiologist he began to tell me. and I myself have also seen that he does not stop. If something happens to him it’s like it happened to me.

last tour

The farewell tour, called Our Last Chords, will have at least four concerts. Incisive in promoting his concerts, Lucas has even stated that attending will be like an investment in happiness. Whoever wants to see us in 2024 already knows that it is the last one. Entries go out on November 24, it’s settled.

Neither of them can imagine what the first day of the rest of their lives will be like once they retire from the stage. I’ll have to go to some psychologist, because I’ve been with him all my life, Andy has admitted. We didn’t think this day would come so soon after fulfilling our dream, Lucas has lamented for his part. Andy and Lucas retire, although the two have promised that, if they return, they will return with a new name: Lucas and Andy.

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