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Ángel de Brito answered what everyone was wondering about Flor Vigna and Luciano Castro

Although they haven’t dated for a long time, their relationship vine flower and Luciano Castro generated followers who try to be informed about everything that happens in the couple. Yesterday, the model she uploaded a video to Instagram in which she could be seen alone, which led many people to assume that she was facing a fight. However, it is something much less specific.

Ángel denied the rumors of a fight.

Ángel de Brito commented, when asked by one of his followers, that the reason why Luciano Castro does not appear in the video of his partner’s Brazilian vacation it is because he is in Mar del Plata, facing the summer season. vine flower decided to take a few days before returning to the ring with the music tour.

But the renowned journalist was not the only person who responded to this. Very attentive to the comments of his followers, the artist He decided to bury the rumors and deny them at the root. “I am on vacation with my friends and he is preparing the theater season in Mardel. Very happy as a couple,” he said. vine flower before the suppositions of why Castro did not appear in the photos that he uploaded from Buzios.

Some followers asked where Luciano Castro was.

“We are enjoying with friends and I miss him a lot. Such healthy love does good, ”he commented to another follower. Flower published the single “Sabor a ti” that will serve as the kickoff to his summer tour, while Castro will premiere the play “El Divorcio” on December 27, with Carla Conte, Natalie Pérez and Pablo Rago in one of the theaters of the coastal town.

summer plans

Despite the rumors, the couple had already spoken about this issue in different media in which they commented that each one had prepared a plan to be able to continue with the different summer jobs they had planned.

Source: (Channel 9).

“I have no idea. We have a divine place to be. Flower He’s going to work a lot because he’s on tour. She’s in her best moment. He brings out song after song and summer is when he plays the most, ”Luciano Castro told El Nueve, where he was interviewed about his new work.

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