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Ángel de Brito confirmed what was suspected about the untimely airing of "LAM"

brito angel He has managed to earn his place and prestige within the media thanks, mainly, to his raw sincerity, both in what he says and in what he does.

The journalist has been in charge of one of the most emblematic gossip cycles on television for several years and that is why brito angel he especially feels that he owes it to his public.

For everyone, the abrupt cut suffered by the program of brito angel last night, which caused social networks to begin to question what had happened.

The SAT decided a rotating strike on all channels due to the rejection of the parity request for March.

The journalist’s tweets about what happened last night on América TV.

The driver of “LAM” explained through his official profile on Twitter what happened yesterday around 10:00 p.m., when the transmission was abruptly interrupted and they linked the old chimentero interview with the recently eliminated from “Big Brother”, Coti.

In addition, he explained that in other channels, such as El Trece, the cut was before noon. For this reason, “Nosotros a la Mañana” was extended and finally “Socios del Espectáculo” did not come on the air.

drivers war

As is known, Alex Caniggia recently made his debut at the head of the entertainment cycle “Los Desconocidos de Siempre”, which of course generated a lot of commotion among colleagues and viewers.

The one who did not take long to make his opinion known in this regard was brito angelwho described the son of Claudio Paul and Mariana Nannis as “an embole” when it comes to driving.

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