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Angela Lanz: Markus Lanz’s ex is having a good time on vacation in France

The star news of the day in the GALA ticker: Angela Lanz enjoying her vacation in France +++ Thomas Mller makes a touching declaration of love to his Lisa +++ Stephanie Stumph posts a rare photo of her son.

The star news of the day in the GALA ticker

5. September 2023

Angela Lanz: Markus Lanz’ ex-wife enjoys life in France

Live to travel and travel to live”: Comment with this saying in French Angela Lance and her friend Estefania Heidemanns, 44, her snapshots from vacation. The ex-wife of Markus Lanz, 54, traveled to France with her girlfriend and relaxed there with yoga, jogging and sightseeing. Sport should be the top priority for the two women in their friendship. Angela and Estefania even have a joint fitness account on Instagram. So it’s no wonder that they stick to their sporting routines even on vacation.

In addition to demanding workouts, Angela Lanz also shares photos of the meal, an elegant restaurant and a selfie that shows her on the passenger seat in the car. Estefania is behind the wheel, both women are looking straight ahead. Private holiday pictures that Lanz’ fans are happy about! There are plenty of enthusiastic emojis and messages to read in the comments. “You two style queens, thank you for the super nice impressions,” says a user. When asked where the children of the two women are, Angela Lanz replies with certainty: “NOT on Instagram”. The privacy of your family is a must, even on vacation.

4. September 2023

Thomas Mller makes a touching declaration of love to his Lisa

Thomas Mller, 33, mainly shares milestones in his sporting career on social media. For the most part, there are snapshots on his Instagram profile of the footballer standing on the field. But every now and then the FC Bayern Munich kicker is tempted to post a photo of a couple with his wife Lisa, 33, like now.

The picture shows the couple smiling at the camera in the best weather. The athlete also dedicated touching words to his loved ones. “Love is when she spontaneously delivers him to the men’s outing at the Sportheim,” writes Thomas Mller. His fans are very enthusiastic about the insight into his private life. “The reason why I still believe in true love,” comments a user. “The two must you just love!” says another.

Stephanie Stumph posts rare photo of her son

Stephanie Stumph, 39, gave birth to her son Anton in June last year. However, the actress mostly keeps her private life out of the public eye. She almost never posts photos of her partner Florian. Snapshots of her little one are also an absolute rarity.

Now the “Der Alte” actress makes an exception and gives her fans a little insight into her everyday life. In her Instagram story she uploads a cute clip of Baby Anton: The little one has apparently got a new toy that seems to fascinate him very much. Again and again he lets the ball roll down the ball track. As usual, however, the presenter does not show her sweetheart’s face.

The star news of the past week

Read all the news from the last week here.

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