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Angie Arizaga and Jota Benz share photos of the celebration of their two years of relationship

IN LOVE. Jack Benz and Angie Arizaga They have become one of the most beloved couples in the local show business and they know it, which is why they have shared with their fans photos of the celebration of their two-year relationship.

This January 1, the couple celebrated their special date and shared a series of images on their respective social networks along with a message in which they expressed their desire to have a life together.

was the message they shared on their respective social networks.

In addition, they shared a video in which they appear giving each other a tender kiss. His followers have been moved by the photos and in the comments they have wished him the best in their relationship.

“Blessings on your beautiful relationship”, “Happy 2 years to come more adventures together”, “You deserve the best Angie and be fully happy”, “They are so cute. God bless you”, “I want you to be very happy always”, “You deserve it Angie”, “How nice that we live love”, “Happy 2 years and those to come”, are some reactions of his followers.

Angie Arizaga makes it clear to Jota Benz: “Two years of living together is like already being married”

Angie Arizaga and Jack Benz They opened the doors of their home to the cameras of “You are in all” and provided details of how they would spend the Christmas holidays.

“It is customary for my mother to be a little far away, but she will return in January. All of Angie’s family is my family.” Jota Benz commented when maintaining that this Christmas he will spend it with the model’s family, whom he considers to be his own.

At another time, the former member of dand “This is War” She talked about the good relationship her parents have with her boyfriend. “My mom comes here to give him massages, to attend to him, Jota doesn’t call her ‘ma’am’, he calls her ‘mama’.”, revealed Angie by way of complaint.

However, Angie Arizaga surprised Jota when she highlighted that they have been living together for more than two years, and emphasized that when this situation occurs, it is considered as if they were married.

“It is the third Christmas together. Many people do not know that we already live together. You know that when you have lived together for two years it is like being married”, commented the figure of America Television surprising his partner.


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