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“Anne Will”: “Heat pumps will become cheaper” – an expert for sure

Is the takeover of Viessmann positive? “Anne Will” discussed the bigger picture behind the heater manufacturer’s case.

The German heating manufacturer Viessmann is largely taken over by a US corporation. Until recently, this would only have interested a specialist audience. But in times of the energy crisis and heating bans, the process suddenly becomes highly political, especially since the business with the heat pumps that are so important is also changing hands.

The topic also drove the round at “Anne Will” on Sunday evening. Will the traffic light climate policy cause an eco-economic miracle – or is it a threat to Germany as a business location? The economist Veronika Grimm, the journalist Bernd Ulrich and Franziska Brantner (Green Party) discussed this broader question. Stephan Weil (SPD) and Thorsten Frei (CDU).

Heat pumps: What does the sale of Viessmann mean?

Already on the question of whether the takeover of Viessmann is positive for Germany, opinions differed in the debate. Franziska Brantner argued in favor of such a perspective: “Twelve billion are being invested in Germany – that’s great,” said the State Secretary from Robert Habeck’s Ministry of Economic Affairs. Viessmann would continue to exist, the Americans would contribute their know-how. “A transatlantic climate champion is emerging.” And by the way: “heat pumps will become cheaper,” concluded Brantner.

Thorsten Frei saw things differently. The process is reminiscent of the sell-out solar industry, said the CDU politician. “Within a few years, only Asians were on the market.” Viessmann is just one example. Many corporations invested elsewhere – in Poland, China, in the USA. “We are not attractive enough as a business location,” said Frei.

Energy transition: Is a new economic miracle possible?

That was a steep claim that led to the question of whether the climate change actually has what it takes, as promised by the chancellor, to catapult Germany into a new economic miracle. As one of the so-called business wise men, Veronika Grimm was the right contact for this question.

And the economist was quite optimistic. Growth is possible if companies create good framework conditions now. However, climate-neutral management must be worthwhile, Grimm demanded, with a view to the CO2 price. There is also a need for a new infrastructure for electricity, hydrogen and also on the rail.

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So there are a few prerequisites – but in principle Germany is on the right track. Bernd Ulrich however, identified a fundamental problem with the Chancellor’s approach. “Olaf Scholz wants to deliver the energy transition to people – without major impositions,” said the journalist from ZEIT. But that creates a “completely wrong expectation”, because it will not work without unreasonable demands and the participation of the people.

Instead, Scholz must make it clear where the country stands, Ulrich demanded. “The 70 years of a stable everyday life are over.” Because the destruction of the environment comes from this everyday life. “It’s about the liberation of it,” said Ulrich. At Scholz but there is no sign of it.

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Frei and, of course, Scholz’ party friend Weil defended the chancellor against this criticism. The Lower Saxony SPD Prime Minister reminded that it was right to look at what was on people’s minds. And the CDU politician identified an apocalyptic perspective on the subject with reference to the Last Generation. “That takes reason out of the debate,” criticized Frei. Instead of relying on bans and avoidance, new technologies must also be considered.

“Anne Will”: The conclusion of the show

This issue of “Anne Will” made it clear once again why the Viessmann case is so upsetting: it is an example of a beginning Transformationwhich creates some uncertainties for companies, politicians and citizens.

As of now, one can say that politicians are now reacting to this situation, perhaps even a little too drastically – see the hasty heating ban. After decades of sleeping, this is actually good news.

For the edition of “Anne Will” in the ARD media library

Anne Will – More information about the talk show & moderator

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