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Anthony Bourbon (QVEMA) has "really struggling" in her youth

From the height of his 33 years, Anthony Bourbon can be proud of the progress made. During his passage through Focus Sunday on RTL, the investor of Who wants to be my partner? however confided that his debut was far from rosy.

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Anthony Bourbon is a millionaire at just 33 years old. That said, his life has not been a long calm river. Quite the contrary. In his youth, the businessman even lived on the streets. “I don’t have a classic background in this environment because I come from a poor family, my father was violent and I found myself on the street when I was 16 years old. Today, I try to return the favor by showing young people that it is possible to get out of it”, he confided. Moreover, his difficulties in feeding himself, not having the right to RSA, even while excelling in his studies, inspired him to create his Feed brand, which describes itself as “nutrition for all times of the day”.

A youth rocked by poverty

This January 7, Anthony Bourbon was part of Ashley Taieb, ex-participant of the first season of Who wants to be my partner? guests from Focus Sunday on RTL The opportunity for the one who opened up about his role as an investor to say more about his youth. “Indeed, I had a rather complicated journey. Since I myself come from a poor family. My father was a train conductor, my mother was a saleswoman. I was homeless when I was 17-18. I really struggled before succeeding. It is a message of hope that I want to send to the French who are listening to“, he admitted.

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The secret of success

For Anthony Bourbon, who has already invested in 45 boxes, nothing is impossible. Moreover, the one who clashed with Jean-Pierre Nadir wanted to deliver some of his tips so that everyone can get by, according to him. “Whatever the situation, don’t give up. Sometimes it’s very difficult, sometimes it’s very unfair. But with hard work, ambition, resilience and passion, I think anyone can do beautiful things with the method and the desire“, he advised. In addition, Anthony Bourbon is convinced that the most important thing is above all to find the domain that we like rather than being “obsessed with money. No doubt this should reassure more than one.

Article written in collaboration with 6medias.

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