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Antonio Orozco announces his temporary retirement

Antonio Orozco announces his temporary retirement

There are industries that are comparable to hamster wheel because of the inertia that makes the instrument rotate and rotate. The wear and tear left by this inability to stop is great. And the world of music is a perfect example. This artistic combustion is referred to Antonio Orozcowho has announced in an interview for The Reason what He is going to get away from the road and the spotlights for a while.

He does it by brand new The cancin you’ve never seenan album with which he celebrates his more than two decades of career in which he has not stopped not a minute and with which he seeks to mark a turning point in his career. A before and after. A work that compiles different songs from this stage and that features collaborations from the likes of Raphael, Pablo Alborn, Sebastian Yatra or Luis Fonsiamong others.

The times of a father and a composer

I’m proud of this and I’m going to say see you later to see what I can write and find and prepare something new. I don’t know how long it will take me to come back renewedhe confesses, recognizing the aggressiveness of the plan, but clarifying that he does it because of the super great responsibility he maintains towards the public and towards himself. I’m going to take some time out of the wayditch.



Asked about a possible future concern on the part of his followers, he clarifies that these are the times that a composer needs, that it is legal to do so and that, at the end of the day, he needs it. There is a moment in the career of an artist who does not have to go around proving many things, I have been traveling for many years, another 11 years on television and I have no capacity to processhe also explains coach of The voiceexemplifying this wear and tear in constantly trying to find the correct word and in The perfect time.

And that his daughter, only 2 years old, also wants to be with him. I want a normal, family routine. The basic things a person does every day. Do what anyone does, he explains, asserting that filling in the blank page also requires this. Where to go? To my house. To the room next to my daughter’s, resolve. And he does not hide his intention to spend months there, a long time to listen to her breathe at night: Parents who are novices put their ears close to see if they are breathing, did you know that?

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