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Apple manages to detect where one of the company’s biggest insiders was getting information from: Goodbye to leaks?

All employees working on new Apple products – we assume – must sign a confidentiality agreement. The Cupertino giant plays with the surprise factor to generate a greater impact in the market, with every device it launches frequently.

However, the information always ends up leaking into the media. There are several insiders who receive data directly from Apple offices. It is the only explanation that the company finds for this phenomenon that it sees in different Twitter accounts that always release reports that they saw as impossible to access.

In this way, in parallel to the development of digital devices that are launched year after year, Apple set to work to detect who the information leakers were. Recently, according to a review by iPadizedthey found from where the data slipped to one of the best known, the Analyst941 Twitter account.

Recognized around the world as a trusted source, the guys at Analyst941 stuck to their usual business and revealed exciting details about the upcoming updates to iOS 17 and watchOS 10, as well as the highly anticipated release of Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro for iPad. .

But sadly they failed to keep their identity a secret. This publication caught the attention of Apple, and it was later confirmed from the same Twitter account that the leaker’s identity had been discovered.

In a “final message” before removing the user, Analyst941 confirmed that his sister, who was his source of information, had been fired from Apple once the leaks linked to her. Now, both who was behind this account and the employee hope that the lawyers of the Cupertino giant will legally attack them

“I can’t give too many details right now due to the legal situation, but due to a series of coincidences, my sister was fired from Apple. Unfortunately, I am afraid that legal action will be taken against us, separately. The combination of information I shared on Twitter matched what I provided to my sister about the FCP + Logic time frame, along with other details related to the development of FCP / Logic for iPad,” she said in a message.

So far, only Analyst941’s version of the story has been heard. Apple has remained silent about the veracity of this information and the dismissal of the alleged employee.

It will be at WWDC 2023 (to be held between June 5 and 9) where it will finally be possible to confirm how accurate the leaks of this informant were, and if the measures taken by Apple managed to protect the surprise of their next announcements.

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