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Arrest of musician Gorki Eagle reported at Havana airport

Arrest of musician Gorki Eagle reported at Havana airport

MIAMI.- The nonprofit organization State of SATS reported the arrest arbitrary of musician Cuban Gorki eagle at the Jos Mart International Airport, in Havanafor alleged contempt of the authorities of the area.

“The Castro regime has planned a trap against Gorki Luis Aguila Carrasco @gorkiporno to take him to prison on a false charge of contempt for airport authorities. State security agents notified the activist months ago that they would allow him to get his passport and travel outside the island. On several occasions they threatened to regulate it again,” said organization published on social networks this Saturday – May 4.

According to the SATS State, the event occurred on May 3 in the afternoon when the artist was preparing to take a trip to Mexico.

“Yesterday, Friday, May 3, 2024, around 4:00 pm, Gorki was arrested at the Havana International Airport when he was preparing to travel to Mexico. Just a few minutes ago he was able to communicate with a friend and told him He confirmed that he is at the PNR (National Revolutionary Party) station in Santiago de las Vegas, near the airport, where he is accused of the false charge of contempt. Gorki claimed for the deception, provocation and violation that the political police made towards him. “We warn of this plan to put the activist in prison,” detailed the organization, which promotes thought and activism based on the precepts of freedom and responsibility.


A musician who criticizes the dictatorship

Besides, Cuban Diary note that the Observatory of Cultural Rights also reported the arrest of the musician.

“Hours ago, the Observatory of Cultural Rights (OCD) raised the alarm through its social networks, echoing the complaint of Ciro Javier Díaz Penedo, a member of Porno para Ricardo along with Eagle. According to Díaz Penedo, the The arrest occurred after the authorities of the air terminal prevented the musician from boarding a flight to Mexico at the José Martí International Airport, under the argument that it is regulated, a euphemism used by the Cuban regime to prevent independent journalists from leaving the island. activists and opponents,” the media outlet indicated.

“Guila has been a harsh critic of the Cuban regime for decades, which is why he has been a frequent victim of arrests, fines and harassment,” Diario de Cuba stated.

Until now, the current status of the artist born in Havana on November 11, 1968 is unknown.

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