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Arvalo’s environment clarifies the causes of his death: He was dizzy and did not want to do anything

Arvalo's environment clarifies the causes of his death: He was dizzy and did not want to do anything

The world of comedy mourns the death of Francisco Rodríguez Iglesias, known artistically as Paco Arvalo. The popular comedian, 76 years old, He died on Wednesday, January 3, at his home in Valencia. According to Semana magazine, it was his own son who found the television presenter dead at home. Although at first a heart attack was pointed out as a possible cause of his death, this Thursday the comedian’s entourage clarified what happened in statements to Telecinco.

According to this story, Paco Arvalo left us due to natural causes. In recent days, Malena Gracia’s ex-boyfriend began to feel unwell, although he never went to see a doctor since nothing made him foreshadow this fatal outcome. He was dizzy and didn’t feel like it, but he couldn’t find any explanation, they say. We didn’t know what it was due to, they add, visibly affected by the loss.

The body of Paco Arvalo remains in the funeral home on Avenida de los Naranjos in Valencia. It will be this Friday, January 5, when the funeral will be held late in the morning, as well as the burial where those closest to the comedian will say their last goodbye.


Paco Arvalo.Europa Press ReportsEuropa Press

His last conversation with Bárbara Rey

Paco Arvalo and Bárbara Rey forged a great friendship decades ago. In fact, the star was one of the last people to speak with him before his death. She has confessed this herself through a letter where she shows that she is devastated by the loss of her close friend. I can’t believe you’re not here anymore. Just a few days ago we were talking, you were happy and happystart writing.

We made a video call, we talked for a while and also with your beautiful daughter. One of the first things I did when I woke up was say good morning to you like me. You have been an extraordinary being, a great person with an immense heart. I’m going to miss you, adds Brbara Rey.

You have always been an extraordinary being to me, I will be eternally grateful for your loyalty and your big heart.. Mine is broken with your march. I know that you are going to have the best place that exists wherever you are, because it is what you deserve and what you have earned with your great kindness. Rest in peace friend and may God take you in his bosom, he concludes.

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