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Ascension Day: Ascension Day in NRW a public holiday? That’s behind it

Is Ascension Day also a public holiday in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia? And what are the requirements on the day? All information at a glance.

Ascension Day is also a public holiday in NRW. But which rules apply? And what is celebrated on this day anyway? We give an overview:

Ascension Day NRW – a public holiday?

Yes, Ascension Day is also a public holiday in NRW. Accordingly, special rules apply on this day, above all a ban on working. “All publicly noticeable work that is likely to disturb the external peace of the day is prohibited,” says the ordinance of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia.

When is Ascension Day celebrated in NRW?

Ascension Day is celebrated every year on the 40th day of Easter, i.e. 39 days after Easter Sunday. In 2023, Ascension Day falls on May 18 (Thursday). Read here: Bridge days in NRW 2023: The public holidays for a short vacation

Is Ascension Day a public holiday in all of Germany?

Ascension Day is not only a holiday in North Rhine-Westphalia – the Christian holiday is also celebrated in all other federal states. The day is also considered a Christian holiday in Austria and Switzerland. Incidentally, in Switzerland the day is called “Auffahrt”.

What is celebrated on Ascension Day?

Especially in the Catholic faith, Ascension Day is a high Christian holiday. Every year the return of Jesus Christ as the Son of God to his Father in heaven is celebrated. This day is mentioned in the scriptures of the New Testament.

Ascension Day in NRW – also known as Father’s Day

Fathers and fathers-to-be – but also men without children – can enter May 18, 2023 in the calendar this year. Men with firecrackers regularly parade through the state on Father’s Day.

Ascension Day in NRW: What other public holidays are there?

In addition to Ascension Day, the following days are public holidays in NRW:

  • New Year: January 1st (Sunday)
  • Good Friday: April 7th
  • Easter Sunday: April 9th
  • Easter Monday: April 10th
  • Labor Day: May 1 (Monday)
  • Ascension Day: May 18 (Thursday)
  • Pentecost Sunday: May 28th
  • Whit Monday: May 29th
  • Corpus Christi: June 8 (Thursday)
  • Day of German Unity: October 3 (Tuesday)
  • All Saints’ Day: November 1st (Wednesday)
  • Christmas Eve: December 24th (Sunday)
  • Christmas Day: December 25th (Monday)
  • Boxing Day: December 26th (Tuesday)

Holidays and public holidays in NRW: There is more information here

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