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Ashton Kutcher + Mila Kunis: Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis comment on Masterson letters

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis wrote letters to the court in the Danny Masterson case, which caused an outcry. Now the couple has posted a video in which they explain themselves.

Danny Masterson, 47, was recently sentenced in a Los Angeles court to 30 years to life in prison for two counts of rape. Ashton Kutcher, 45, and his wife Mila Kunis, 40, who have been friends with the actor for many years, sent letters to the judge in charge before the sentence was announced, in which they called their “The Wild Seventies” colleague a “role model.” describe. This caused a wave of outrage. Recently got in touch Chrissie Carnell Bixler, one of the three women who accused Masterson of rape, spoke out and made serious accusations against the Hollywood couple.

Danny Masterson’s ex-girlfriend and complainant makes serious allegations against the couple

Chrissie Carnell Bixler was in a relationship with Danny Masterson for six years starting in 1996, during which time the actor is said to have raped her. In her case, the jury was unable to reach a unanimous verdict. Masterson denied the allegations that the sexual acts were consensual. After it was revealed that Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis had sent letters to the court, Bixler addressed the acting stars in her Instagram story.

“Dear Ashton, I know the secrets your ‘role model’ is keeping for you. The ones that would end your career. Have you forgotten I was there? The night you called Danny on February 21, 2001 “You on speaker. I heard everything. I heard the plan. In my opinion, you are just as sick as your ‘mentor,'” Bixler writes.

Addressing Mila Kunis, she adds: “I pray that you begin to process what you experienced on set as a child.” The actress was only 14 years old when she started filming the sitcom. Chrissie Carnell Bixler further speaks of an incident in Toronto and emphasizes: “If you see this as a normal relationship with a ‘big brother figure’, then I feel very sorry for you. (…) You must all have forgotten that “I was there the whole time for the first five years of ‘The Roaring Seventies’. I remember everything.”

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis apologize

“We recognize the pain caused by the character letters we wrote for Danny Masterson,” Kutcher said in an Instagram video alongside his wife. “We support victims (…) and will continue to do so in the future,” says Kunis.

A few months ago, Masterson’s family asked the two of them to write letters to the judge “to represent the person we knew for 25 years,” explains Kutcher. The intention behind this was that the court might take this into account when determining the sentence. According to Kunis, they did not write the letters “to question the legitimacy of the justice system or the validity of the jury’s decision.”

They didn’t want to “undermine” victims

“They were intended for the judge to read, not to undermine the victims’ statements or to re-traumatize them in any way,” Kutcher continued. “We would never want this and we are sorry if it happened.” Kunis ends the short video with the words: “Our condolences go out to every single person who has ever been a victim of sexual assault, sexual abuse or rape.”

In the letters, which were available to “People” magazine, among others, Kutcher and Kunis spoke extremely positively about Masterson. His ex-colleagues from the sitcom “The Wild Seventies” emphasized what a great influence their friend had on them. Kutcher described the convicted actor as a good role model who saved him from leading “a typical Hollywood life full of drugs.” Kunis wrote about an “incredible friend” who was also “a confidant” for her “and, above all, an outstanding figure of an older brother.”

At the end of May, Masterson was found guilty of two counts of rape. A twelve-member jury found it proven that Masterson raped two women in the early 2000s. This week the sentence of 30 years to life imprisonment was announced.

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