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At the age of 91: Schlager legend Freddy Quinn marries for the first time

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From: Magdalena Fuerthauer


young love? Not necessarily, but “like newly in love” pop star Freddy Quinn (91) and his Rosi (64) now want to marry.

Hamburg – The Austrian pop star Freddy Quinn celebrated great success in the 1950s and 60s with songs like “Boy, come back soon”, “The Guitar and the Sea”, “La Paloma” and “Homesickness”. The 91-year-old, who now lives in Germany as a Hamburg resident, was able to sell around 60 million records. Now he wants to officially marry for the first time.

Freddy Quinn: Pop legend marries for the first time at 91

At the beginning of the year, Freddy Quinn was a cause for concern after he collapsed around Christmas and spent some time in hospital. Now the legend of the German-language hit seems to be fit again and announced after about ten years together with his partner Rosi (64) to the Picture the common wedding.

The two did not announce when and where they were getting married. Quinn and his fiancee only reveal that the wedding will take place in a small circle both at the registry office and in the church. “We’re looking forward to the wedding like two newly in love!”, adds the pop star in an interview.

Freddy Quinn: Schlagerstar announces marriage to his partner Rosi

Freddy Quinn is supposed to officially say “yes” to his Rosi for the first time in his life. He married his former partner Lilli Blessmann, who died in Hamburg in 2008 and whose grave has now overgrown, in Las Vegas. However, the marriage was never officially registered and thus made valid.

Wedding at the age of 91: Schlager legend Freddy Quinn wants to get married – for the first time. © IMAGO / POP-EYE and BRIGANI-ART

Quinn and his fiancee have known each other for over 30 years and have been together for about ten years. “Rosi is a wonderful person with an incredibly big heart. We’ve been loyal to each other for a long time,” said the hit star Picture.

The globetrotter Freddy Quinn

Quinn spent part of his childhood with his father in the USA before returning to Vienna during the Second World War and then to Hungary via the Kinderlandverschickung. Then it was back to the Austrian capital via Antwerp, until he ran away at the age of 16 and joined a circus.

In the following years he lived in Italy, Algeria and France. In order to advance his music career, however, he settled in Germany at the end of the 1950s. Quinn speaks seven languages ​​and sang in twelve until 2008, when he retired from pop music.

Pop star Freddy Quinn is getting married for the first time: the couple is in the middle of the preparations

Quinn, who was born Franz Eugen Helmuth Manfred Nidl in 1931, did not propose to his Rosi romantically, as she admits in the interview. “It’s not Freddy’s way,” she says simply. However, they had been talking about it for many years and a few weeks ago they finally made up their minds.

Since then, everything has been going very quickly, according to the couple. They were in the middle of the planning. “There is still so much paperwork to be done,” points out the fiancée of the 91-year-old pop singer, who is one of the most successful in Germany. (mef)

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