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Attack on Silvia’s hairdresser: hatred of the Wollnys escalates

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Of: Jonas Erbas


The Wollnys are always met with blind hatred online. Silvia’s hairdresser Salvatore felt it first hand. But the stylist strikes back.

Ratheim – For Silvia Wollny (57) and her loved ones, fame also brought one or the other inconvenience: the extended family mom and her children are repeatedly exposed to violent hostilities and hateful comments on social networks. After a visit to the hairdresser with her daughters Estefania (20), Sarafina (27) and Sylvana (30), the escalation has now reached a whole new level.

After hate mail against the Wollnys – Silvia’s hairdresser, the extended family jumps to the side

The four Wollny ladies went to the studio of celebrity hairdresser Salvatore in mid-September, where Mama Silvia and her daughters got new hairstyles. The four then proudly showed the result; didn’t always get such polite feedback back then. But that was nothing compared to the hate that Salvatore is now experiencing live, as he describes on Instagram: “This morning I got a really, really bad message. It was about the Wollny family.”

Because he did the hair for Silvia Wollny and her daughters, hairdresser Salvatore received violent hate messages. He doesn’t put up with that and protects the extended family (photo montage) © Screenshot/Instagram/Salvatore Vincenzo Brancato

Because just a few weeks ago he had served Silvia Wollny and three of her daughters, the stylist was threatened via chat that he had done himself a disservice. Such behavior is unacceptable for the entrepreneur: “I think it’s a bottomless impertinence to insult someone just because he has many children,” the master hairdresser put himself in front of his prominent customers.

All Wollny children and grandchildren at a glance:

Jessica Birkenheuer (38), children: Justin

Sascha Wollny (35), children: a daughter and a son

Patrick Wollny (33), children: Brian, Noah and Samantha

Sylvana Wollny (30), children: Celina-Sophie Wollny (9), Anastasia Wollny (3)

Sarafina Wollny (27), children: Emory Maximilian Wollny, Casey Maximilian Wollny (both 1)

Jeremy-Pascal Wollny (26), children: Jouline-Melody Za (3)

Sarah-Jane Wollny (24)

Calantha Wollny (23) Children: Cataleya Wollny (4)

Lavinia Wollny (23), children: Haylie Emilia Wollny (born February 22, 2022)

Estefania Wollny (20)

Loredana Wollny (18), Baby was born on December 20, 2022, gender unknown

Again and again hostilities against Silvia Wollny and Co. – hate on the net is getting out of hand

Salvatore also makes it clear: “It’s my beer who I serve and with whom I work or not.” The beauty salon operator, however, accuses the Wollny haters of “bullying”; but has all the more praising words for Silvia Wollny and Co.: “I love this family! They have character, they have balls and they stand by what they do and that’s fantastic.”

In conclusion, he states: “Behind every (…) Instagram profile there are people with feelings.” The Wollnys also shared the several-minute clip themselves and want to show that hate has no place on the Internet. Instead, the family prefers to focus on the positive side of life: After her latest success with customers, Silvia Wollny now showed herself to be belly-free. Sources used:,

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