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Authorities investigate murder of Mexican singer Kevin Hernndez

Authorities investigate murder of Mexican singer Kevin Hernndez

MIAMI.- Las authorities of Mexico They are investigating the attack on the family of the vocalist of the group H Nortea, Kevin Hernández, who died after the vehicle in which he was traveling, along with his wife Marisela Sandoval and children, was intercepted on the Parral-Chihuahua highway.

The incident occurred on the night of Sunday, May 5.

Hernández and his wife died at the scene, while the young people identified as PERB and AMRS, aged 17 and 14, children of Sandoval’s first marriage, according to local media, died in the hospital to which they were transferred after the attack.

Later, the newspaper Reforma reported that Marisela’s mother and mother-in-law had also been transferred to the medical center. musician, Micaela, along with a four-year-old child.


Prosecutor Juan Carlos Portillo reported that a group of armed civilian men arrived at the hospital, so it is presumed that the attack is linked to organized crime.

“We have information that armed civilians arrived at the hospital, not precisely to finish off the person, because there was no attack perpetrated against them. We do have information that armed civilians arrived, perhaps due to some search for information, some other situation around to the facts,” he said.

El Heraldo de México and El Financiero also reported that a group of armed people had attacked the residence of the 52-year-old woman, located in the Santa Rosa neighborhood of Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua.

At this time, the state of health of Micaela and the child is unknown.

For his part, Gilberto Loya Chávez, Secretary of State Public Security of Chihuahua, highlighted that the first reports of these events are linked to a balance of accounts

“(Marisela Barrón Sandoval) is the owner or manager of this horse racing lane that has been involved several times in different acts related to criminal acts and organized crime,” he stated.

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