Aznar warns about the influence of Catalonia in the Government and asks to protect the rule of law

MADRID.- He former president of the Spanish Government José María Aznaremphasized the importance of Spaniards protecting the constitutional system, the Rule of law and the freedom of information and rebel against the possible “singular financing” for Catalonia and against the announced forgiveness of 15,000 million of public debt of this community.

During the day “China and its relationship with the Middle East“, organized by the Foundation for Analysis and Social Studies (FAES) and of Atlantic Institute of Government (IADG), of which Aznar is president, appealed to civic energy, to citizenship, fundamental in a democracy based on trust and political maturity; to mobilize against the attempt by the president of the Spanish government Pedro Sanchez, to break “the separation of powers and freedom of information.”

Aznar stressed that it is possible to stop the government’s offensive against the independence of the judiciary and it is desirable to maintain a healthy democratic system, based on fundamental principles such as the separation of powers and freedom of information.

Danger rule of law

He stated that in Spain The rule of law still functions, but he warned that actions are carried out daily that endanger this system, especially when judges, the media or institutions such as the prosecutor’s office are questioned.

Regarding the financing offered by the Government to the Generalitat of Catalonia, Aznar considers that the Spanish are going to pay for the coup d’état of October 1, which implies accepting the votes of Puigdemont and the coup plotters to remain in power.

José María Aznar suggests that the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) lost its constitutional and national character to become a “branch” of the Socialist Party of Catalonia (PSC).

He suggests that this transformation of the PSOE is one of the reasons why the Government offered “unique financing” to the autonomous community of Catalonia, possibly as part of a negotiation so that the leader of the PSC, Salvador Illa, could govern in Catalonia.

Catalan power in Congress

In addition, Aznar mentions that the Government would also have offered the separatists a “Catalan clause”, granting them power to promote laws in the Congress.

This could mean that the Government would need the approval of the separatist parties to carry out its policies in the Low camera. In summary, Aznar suggests that the PSOE lost its independence, to become an instrument of influence of the PSC and the separatists in political decision-making at the national level.

In relation to the European elections, Aznar highlighted that only Germany (through the CDU) and Spain (through the Popular Party) maintained classic parties as constitutional pillars after the elections. In other European countries, these traditional pillars disappeared, which represents an important factor to reflect on and an advantage for Spain if it is properly used.

China lacks transparency

In it conversation was asked about the evolution of China In recent years, the former president expressed his regret for the direction the country has taken. country. He noted that the Chinese Communist Party exercises full and stricter control than ever, to include all Chinese companies.

Those that do not submit to this control are no longer considered Chinese companies. He stressed that the Chinese authorities have absolute control over the population.

He highlighted that China lacks transparency and competition in international trade, and that the country’s democratization has not been successful. Furthermore, he mentioned China’s significant presence in middle East due to its energy dependence.

He pointed out that China defends the existence of two states to protect Iranwhich benefits the interests Iranians in the region.

(email protected)

Source: Social network account X of former president José María Aznar, Faes Foundation,, ABC, Infobae

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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