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Bad Bunny sues a fan who uploaded videos of his Utah concert to YouTube

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MIAMI.- Once again Bad Bunny explodes against a fanciful. On this occasion, the urban artist sued a follower for spreading unauthorized images of his show in Salt Lake City, Utah, where he recently performed with his tour. Most Wnated Tour.

According to a document to which TMZ had access, the fan’s name is Eric Guillermo Madronal and he manages the channel. Youtube MADforliveMUSIC, where I published complete performances by the Puerto Rican.

The interpreter of Pretty eyes He claims that the man went to his concert in Salt Lake City, Utah, on February 21 and recorded the show.

In the demand, The artist points out that he owns the rights to his live music, so Garrone committed an infringement by not having authorization to record and broadcast his presentations so that other followers could enjoy it for free.

Likewise, he accused the man of wanting to draw attention to his channel through content from the rag, something that detracts from views and advertising income from his official channel.

Action against the follower

The lawsuit also claims that Bad Bunny issued notices for the subject to remove the videos from the platform, appealing to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, known as DMCA, and demanded that YouTube remove the content.

Although YouTube removed the content, Garrone filed a countersuit so his videos could be republished. Given this, the artist had no choice but to sue.

It is presumed that the accused entered an area of ​​the concert that allows him to have a great view of the show with good quality equipment to be able to record the presentations. On YouTube there is only one video of the musician’s orchestra with a duration of 9 minutes.

It is precisely the quality and time of the clip that makes one doubt that it was recorded with a cell phone.

In the lawsuit, Bad Bunny requests an injunction prohibiting Garrone from publishing his content on the Internet, as well as compensation of $150,000 per video posted or any probable damages he has suffered from said videos.

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