A herb bed can have many benefits and be fun. But there are mistakes in planting that you should definitely avoid.

Chives, thyme, rosemary, cress … Herbs are healthy and add flavor to food. Since the herbal plants taste and smell best fresh, you may want to grow them yourself at home. It’s not that difficult: There are many herbs that thrive on the balcony or in a bed, especially in spring.

Yet there are some herbs that are better not planted next to each other. What should hobby gardeners keep in mind?

Planting herbs: That’s why spring is often the best time

Many herbs take some time to grow. For example, thyme, sage and savory should be planted in the spring – otherwise there is a risk that they will not develop roots and then dry up. These plants are called perennial herbsthey can be harvested for several years.

Annual herbs have to be replanted every year. These include basil, dill and parsley. Basil is very sensitive to frost and should therefore only be planted a little later in spring – after the ice saints. Other herbs that are not perennial can also be used later in the year.

Balcony and garden: These herbs should not be planted next to each other

Before you start, put the herbs on your balcony or in the bed planting, you should plan where to place which herbs. Because in the worst case, the plants do not get along with each other and die despite good care. Not every herbal plant harmonises next to others. But if arranged properly, the Plant even support each other.

The basic rule says: herbs with similar claims fit well together. Herbs that need it sunny and dry can be planted next to each other. All herbs that like it shady and wet are also good neighbors.

However, perennial herbs and annual herbs should be separate. The reason: the root excretions and growth vigor of the varieties vary, the more different the needs of the plants are. So the herbs can interfere with each other.

Thyme, lavender and sage, for example, go well together. They have similar demands and need it dry and arid. Basil but does not go well with it: This type of herb loves it moist and shady. Basil enjoys a neighborhood with parsley.

Planting herbs: an overview of the varieties

Because perennial and annual herbs have different growing times and needs, you should separate the herbs from one another breed separately. But which varieties are included?

Popular Perennial Herbs:

  • sage
  • chives
  • Thymian
  • lemon balm
  • Oregano
  • wild garlic
  • Tarragon
  • mint

Popular annual herbs:

  • Basil
  • Parsely
  • Dill
  • Rosemary
  • cumin
  • Cilantro
  • savory
  • Rocket

There are also a few hermits among the plants: these include cloves, Turmeric, Lavender and lovage. It is better not to put these herbs in a pot with other plants. The following also applies to all herbal neighborhoods: always leave a little space between the plants.

Placing plants correctly: Where is the best place for your herbs?

The general rule is: herbs with huge, green Scroll feel more comfortable in semi-shade or shade. In addition, they like it rather humid, while the herb plants with small leaves like it warm, dry and sunny.

For example, coriander, lavender, rosemary and thyme prefer a sunny spot. In addition, you should water these herbs sparingly and make sure that there is no waterlogging. You can remember: Mediterranean herbs usually need a lot of light.

Parsely, chives and lovage should not be placed in direct sunlight. The plants do best in semi-shade. Cress, wild garlic and mint, on the other hand, need shade and must be watered regularly – the herbs love moist soil. Nevertheless, there must not be too much waterlogging here either, because then the herbs could become rotten.

Even if you don’t have a balcony or Garten have: Some herbs are already looking forward to a place on the windowsill. Basil is very uncomplicated: a sunny spot behind glass is enough for the plant. (emi)

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