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Barry Keoghan reveals great admiration for The Dark Knight trilogy

Barry Keoghan reveals great admiration for The Dark Knight trilogy

Barry Keoghan, one of the Joker’s current theatrical performers, is revealing his great admiration for the Batman trilogy: The Dark Knight, by Christopher Nolan.

Showing himself to be a big fan of the work starring Cristian Bale, while attending an event for his new film, Saltburnthe actor told Letterbox That set of features are some of his all-time favorites.

Barry Keoghan He has already implied several times that he will return as the Clown Prince of Crime in the sequel to Batman, Matt Reeveshighlighting him as one of the most iconic villains in pop culture.

Meanwhile, the Dark Knight film trilogy is available on the platform HBO Max.

Read more about Barry Keoghan and The Dark Knight:

After two years since the emergence of Batman, Gotham City’s criminals are scared. With the help of Lieutenant Jim Gordon and Public Prosecutor Harvey Dent, the hero takes down more and more organized crime, and the city finally seems to be heading in a better direction.

Cornered by the situation, the crime bosses, no longer able to fight, accept the proposal made by a lunatic known as Joker. They hire him to fight Batman, and the hero will have to face the most bizarre figure he has ever met. The Clown Prince of Crime puts Bruce Wayne through a psychological challenge with devastating consequences.

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