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Barrymore on Ghosting: ‘Strange that someone would do that’

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“For anyone out there who’s been ghosted and feels like a bushfire went through their body”: Drew Barrymore. © Sonia Moskowitz/ZUMA/dpa

You’re dating someone and suddenly all the calls and messages go unanswered. US actress Drew Barrymore has also had her experiences with it.

Los Angeles – US actress Drew Barrymore (“Charlie’s Angels”) talks about the uncomfortable sides of dating. “It’s unbelievable how painful ghosting is,” the 47-year-old told People magazine about her experiences with the other person suddenly cutting off contact.

“For anyone out there who’s been ghosted and feels like bushfire went through their body, I can totally understand that. It is so strange that a human being can behave like that.”

The term “ghosting” describes the phenomenon that people you are dating vanish into thin air like a ghost – all calls and messages suddenly go unanswered. According to psychologists, “ghosts” are often afraid of direct confrontation or the commitment that a partnership brings with it.

She’s also been on dates that she regretted from the start, Barrymore said. She asked herself, “Oh god, why did I say yes to that dinner? I don’t know why: Don’t make dinner.” It’s tough sitting down with someone else when you only have so few nights off to yourself, said the actress, who has two daughters and has had her own talk show since 2020 moderated. “That alone takes away your desire to date.” dpa

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