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“Bavarian Cowgirl”: That’s what pop star Nicki is doing today

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Nicki is one of the most successful pop singers of the eighties. In recent years, however, it has become quiet about the Lower Bavarian. This is what her life looks like today.

Plattling – The title “Servus, mach’s guat” made the 16-year-old Doris Andrea Hrda aka Nicki (56) a star overnight in 1983. More hits by the new hit star followed “If I dance with you” (1986) or “I’m a Bavarian Cowgirl” (1988). To this day, music plays an important role for the 1.52 meter tall artist.

Nicki has already recorded 16 studio albums

Since the beginning of her career she has recorded 16 studio albums. Nicki would like to know whether more are being planned in an interview with the ORF Do not tell. On the occasion of her 40th stage anniversary this year, she “of course still has something in her bag, something new,” she reveals. “Maybe not necessarily an album right away,” she adds. As before, she prefers to publish one or the other number first. “Yes, I would say let’s leave that as a surprise,” she concludes.

The title “Servus, mach’s guat” made the 16-year-old Doris Andrea Hrda aka Nicki (56) a star overnight in 1983. © Imago Images

Nicki has not only remained true to music, but also to her Lower Bavarian homeland of Plattling, as she continues: “I was born in Plattling and I never wanted to leave.” She “can’t imagine” ever moving away.

Nicki has found love

Nicki lives in Plattling with her husband Gerald. In December, the two celebrated their 11th wedding anniversary. But they have been a couple for much longer, as the singer revealed on her Instagram channel: “We’ll be going through thick and thin together for almost 28 years,” she wrote about a photo from earlier days. Such a long relationship is nowadays “almost a rarity, but also proof that eternal love still exists”.

Her partner Gerald and the birth of her two daughters in 2001 and 2003 were also the reason why Nicki withdrew from the public at the end of the 1990s. She “didn’t want to miss anything” when her children were growing up and therefore took a break, Nicki explains to ORF. In 2006 she returned briefly. Shortly thereafter, however, she decided not to try desperately to balance children and career in favor of her health.

Now that her daughters are grown, the pop singer is finding more time for music again. The fans can be excited. Because resting on her five million records sold is out of the question for the 56-year-old.

The Schlager scene mourns the loss of a true legend. Nicki also spoke up and said goodbye to her colleague with moving words.Sources used: ORF

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