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Because of bankruptcy: Schlager concert by Beatrice Egli suddenly canceled

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From: Florian Schwartz


Big disappointment for Beatrice Egli fans. After the cancellation of their Munich concert caused great confusion, the organizer spoke up. The reason for the cancellation: bankruptcy.

Munich – Currently, the fans of Beatrice Egli (34) not getting enough. Already their hit “Herzsteuert”, which recently celebrated its premiere in their music show of the same name in the first, provides a brilliant foretaste of their new album “Balance”, which will be released in June.

On October 14, the start of their “Full Risk” tour through 13 cities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland should begin. But of all things, the opening concert in the Circus Krone Bau in Munich was canceled at short notice. After initial confusion, the organizer spoke up and announced the sad reason.

Schlager fans frustrated by Beatrice Egli’s canceled Munich concert

A few days ago there was a lot of guesswork among fans on the internet. Because Beatrice Egli’s opening concert in Munich suddenly disappeared from the schedule. But neither the label Universal Music nor the agency MSK (Meistersinger Konzerte) made it clear why there were no tickets available for this date. Beatrice Egli had regretted the cancellation on social networks – but there was no explanation.

Meanwhile, the fans took their frustration out on the blonde Swiss woman online and put pressure on the blonde to clarify the cancellation of the concert. “We expect you to finally let us know what’s going on!” demanded a fan on Instagram. “The longer you remain silent, the more inquiries come and the uncertainty and frustration grow!”

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Organizer clarifies: Beatrice Egli concert canceled due to bankruptcy

Finally, MSK spoke up. The responsible organizer of the concert, the “Rosengarten goes Concert GmbH”, had “apparently gotten into financial difficulties and had to file for bankruptcy.” In consultation with the Schlagerqueen, attempts had still been made to save the concert. “Unfortunately, even our offer to waive any fee for Beatrice Egli and to pay for the musicians, crew and all travel expenses ourselves did not lead to the desired result,” MSK regretted when asked

Anyone who was looking forward to the Beatrice Egli concert in Munich must now be very strong. Because the event was cancelled. © IMAGO/Jan Huebner; IMAGO/Future Image (photomontage)

The insolvency administrator has also confirmed “that the event cannot be held even under the conditions mentioned.” The cancellation of the concert is essential. “So that the Beatrice Egli fans were no longer in the dark about this sad fact, we, as the artist’s agency, considered it our duty to provide clarity without further delay,” MSK continued.

So one thing is certain: Beatrice Egli’s opening concert on October 14 in Munich will definitely not take place. But what happens to the tickets that have already been purchased? According to MSK, the fans should contact the organizer’s insolvency administrator for this purpose. Beatrice’s hit colleague Helene Fischer is currently on tour – but fans have to listen to criticism for the “overpriced” event. Sources used:

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