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Because of the Dom Pérignon party with Shania Geiss: the relationship of the young billionaire is destroyed

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From: Matthew Kernstock


The Rich Kids dispute between Shania Geiss (18) and Rothschild heir Sascha Stammer (23) continues: The billionaire revealed to the Ippen-Zentraledaktion-Unterstattung that he was now in trouble with his girlfriend.

Heilbronn – What has to happen for the entire Geiss family (Robert, Carmen, Davina and Shania) to publicly comment on RTL about their youngest daughter’s alleged flirt? Either very much or very little. The Ippen Central Redaction Entertainment explains the Rich Kids story of the year.

The starting point for the dispute between Sascha Stammer and Shania Geiss is an accidentally published chat history between the two. Heilbronner and Shania Geiss had previously fought via Instagram. A lawyer has now agreed not to disclose the content of the dispute. Sascha Stammer is surprised at the rapid escalation on the part of the Geissens.

Lawyers have to clarify flirting rumors about Shania Geiss: Stammer suspects PR action

“I think you (Shania Geiss, editor’s note) should be as uncomfortable with the content of the chats as I am, so I can’t understand why she’s doing this,” the entrepreneur now explains in an interview with the Ippen-Zentraledaktion-Unterkehr. For Stammer, it looks like a PR campaign by the Geissens to get attention.

After the Rich Kids beef between Shania Geiss and billionaire Sascha Stammer became public, the Rothschild heir now has Stess with his girlfriend Vanja Rasova. © Instagram Shania Geiss / Sascha Stammer / Vanja Rasova (photomontage)

Stammer, who lives in Heilbronn and commutes between France, Switzerland, Austria and Germany, remembers that evening with Shania Geiss in Kitzbühel: “It was a meeting like any other. You made an appointment and then met,” said billionaire Stammer. “After a few St Tropez strudels (a mix of Dom Pérignon, Belvedere and peach ice tea) it was easy to talk, we just celebrated and did things that you do at the same time.”

Sascha Stemmer would like to publish the chat history with Shania Geiss

To prove that he is telling the truth, Sascha Stemmer would like to publish the chat history with Shania Geiss. But he is waiting for her consent to do so. Probably in vain. The Rich Kids controversy seems settled for now.

“There was no court hearing. The publication of my clarification from the injunction was merely a gesture by me and my lawyers to get the whole thing off the table quietly and quickly,” says Stammer.

Because of the Dom Pérignon party with Shania Geis: Rothschild billionaire’s girlfriend is boiling with anger

Even if the lawyers were able to agree, the Rich Kids dispute has a bad aftermath for Stammer: Now the 23-year-old’s relationship with his girlfriend Vanja Rasova is crumbling. The model has 328,000 followers on Instagram, is connected there with Vanessa Mariposa, with whom she is also friends.

Rasova often trains in the gym in Cologne. In 2020 she became known through public insults by Oliver Pocher. The only child grew up with her mother in Stuttgart and Berlin. Vanja Rasova is a trained actress.

Because of the alleged flirt between Sascha Stammer and Shania Geiss, the relationship of the Rothschild heir has been destroyed. “It’s incredibly troubling for me. That’s the one thing that bothers me the most about the whole story. Apart from the fact that false statements about me were spread in the press”according to Stammer.

That’s how rich Rothschild heir Sascha Stammer is

According to a report by Forbes, in 2022, Stammer suddenly became richer than Donald Trump. According to this, the entrepreneur’s assets amounted to 23.4 billion euros through an inheritance. Inheritance should be loud Church property and finance companies are also hanging.

The Geissens around Robert and Carmen are currently traveling through Slovakia on their RTLZWEI show. For Shania and Davina, however, the family outing is a bit uncomfortable. “Stupid child” and “Bauerntrampel”: That’s how disrespectfully Robert and Carmen Geiss speak to their children. Sources used: Interview with Sascha Stammer,

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