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“Begging for the next slap”: Oliver Pocher torn in the net after a body shaming attack

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From: Luke Einkammerer


Oliver Pocher likes to throw out one or the other nasty saying. On Instagram, the comedian is now complaining about the body weight of a stranger.

New York, USA – Oliver Pocher (45) is known to not mince his words and is not afraid to dish out cheeky swipes and other little nasties. It doesn’t matter whether it’s his celebrity colleagues, his own fans or complete strangers – nobody is safe from the comedian and his sharp tongue. Now an ignorant passer-by has to endure a mean and more than questionable comment.

Questionable saying: Oliver Pocher pulls over women in leggings

With his almost 1.7 million followers, Oliver Pocher likes to share insights into his everyday work on Instagram, personal snapshots with his wife Amira (30) (All information about Oliver and Amira Pocher) or expresses his opinion on current topics. Wearing a Miami cap and a Coldplay shirt, he is now reporting from the streets of New York to announce a live edition of the podcast “Die Pochers!”, which he runs together with his wife. He also uses the opportunity to gossip about another pedestrian.

In his Instagram story, Oliver Pocher secretly photographs a strange woman running in front of him. Her head and upper body cannot be seen, instead the comedian zooms in on the behind of the somewhat plump lady, who is wearing tight, olive-green leggings. “Children, drunks and leggings always tell the truth,” he writes – pretty outrageous.

Oliver Pocher’s statement turns out to be extremely questionable, on the one hand because it can clearly be interpreted as body shaming, on the other hand because the stranger probably has no idea that she is being pulled so nasty on the net. And to top it all off, on an account with an enormous reach. Fortunately, it is very unlikely that she noticed anything about it.

What is body shaming?

In recent years, “body shaming” has unfortunately become more and more of a term, especially in social media. This means when a person’s body is discriminated against or too insulted. Mainly women are affected. A distinction can be made between hostilities towards fat (fat shaming), thin (skinny shaming) and old or disabled bodies.


“Insolence”: Oliver Pocher torn up in the network because of a body shaming attack

Oliver Pocher’s leggings claim has been met with sharp criticism on social media. “What the guy takes out is cheeky,” complains one Facebook user, “hurting the feelings of others is not really good,” another does the same. “That’s how Pocher is, he can’t do more than bully,” reads a disappointed comment, “He’s begging for the next slap in the face,” says another.

Nevertheless, there is also support for the father of five. “You shouldn’t always take everything so seriously and turn it into a scandal,” defends a user of the comedian, “a harmless saying.” In the podcast with Amira, Oliver Pocher recently buttoned up Katja Krasavice mercilessly and compared her to “Edward with the scissor hands “. Sources used: Instagram/oliverpocher, Facebook/Extratipp,

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