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Beln Esteban charges against Mediaset: Now I am from Netflix

Beln Esteban charges against Mediaset: Now I am from Netflix

The metamorphosis of Salvame. They have changed the concept of channel to platform and the name to Save yourself who can: los eight former talk shows of the now extinct format from the Fuencarral network that make up the cast of this new audiovisual adventure are media tour to promote the unique jump. And in this line of news they wanted to visit one of the obligatory stops to reach out to their youngest audience: The posh and the quinqui.

On the podcast stage they presented Mara Patio y Beln Esteban, with the excitement of someone who steps into a new place and the wildness of someone who doesn’t know how to silence what they want to scream. The People’s Princess made these two premises the lines along which her contributions to the program were developed. Now I’m no longer from Mediaset, now I’m from Netflix. I am proud to belong to Netflixhe proclaimed, as if his business card were to champion the change that his new project has brought to his life.

At Mediaset we are very grateful for the years we have been there, but what I do have to say, and if I don’t say it I’ll burst, is that I think Slvame should have gone out through the front doorconfessed Esteban, who considers that, despite how events have unfolded, from their old home they cannot but be happy for the part they have: At Mediaset they have to be happy because they are partners in part and I think that is the only thing that works for them now

Possible return to Mediaset?

While is true that has not closed the door to a return to Mediaset, has been reluctant to have it take place in the short term future. First of all, for the bad mouth taste that left the end of an iconic stage in Telecinco championed by the format presented by Jorge Javier Vzquez, and, secondly, by Leisure which he now enjoys, something unthinkable a year ago.


I thank you very much and I hope you are well, I don’t know if we will ever return, but what I do have to say is that the last two months were very hard., has revealed, in line with the above. About her life now she is sincere and shows herself with the same enthusiasm with which she entered the podcast: I’m doing things I didn’t do before. Now I can be with my mother more, I can go with my friend to Tenerife, I can go with my husband for a weekend… It has been a long time since I had medical tests..

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