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Beret: They ask me on the street for revenge songs to beat their ex mentally

Beret: They ask me on the street for revenge songs to beat their ex mentally

Beret (Seville, 1996) is one of our leading singers. Tonight he will fill the Wizink, tomorrow he will present the Kings League anthem at the Palau Sant Jordi. He leaves his comfort zone to participate in a talent that will be released soon (Encounters with a flavor of Mahou), he dreams of making the Betis anthem and would like to have a collaboration with Ed Sheeran. The conversation with him was wonderful, to spend hours. He even confesses that he played right back out of shyness and ended up being a forward. Don’t lose details.

-How has the experience been of leaving music aside for a while and participating in a culinary talent show, Encounters with the Flavor of Mahou, which will be released soon?

-It is something that completely leaves my comfort zone and makes me see myself in a way that I had never seen myself before. Being a presenter for part of the program and then having to cook, in both senses, is going to be quite fun. I was afraid of how to do it. It’s being fun, let’s see when I start cooking, how the kitchen ends and if I burn it.

-Are you a cook?

-I have nothing at all. I’m from Just Eat and Glovo.

-In this almost decade that you have been in music you were more introverted and now you are more open

-When I started I didn’t really know where I was going, I observed how things were going a little and the best thing to do is to be yourself. You learn that over time, but when they tell me: can you see yourself doing this? I say: Well, I don’t know. Plant it for me and I’ll see how it goes. I am an extroverted person who will rarely say no to you, I have not refused anything, only once a dance program that seemed very too much.

-New album, you have been to the Latin Grammys and today the WiZink awaits you.

-I’m full, but happy. I’m really looking forward to WiZink… brutally, I’m looking forward to that incredible concert, I’ve been waiting for it for quite some time. A lot of my colleagues are going to come up to see me, my family, it’s going to be a super long concert, I’m going to try to have many collaborations. And those who listen to me, both before and now, will be able to leave very happy. There will be people who are 20 years old, who started listening to me when I was 12 and will be able to relive songs. For me that is very nice.

-How magical it is to see generations of parents, children, growing up and still going to your concerts!

-It’s very nice, there are people who have spent their adolescence with my songs and many times when I meet those people on the street and they stop me, the last thing they want is a photo, they want to talk to me and tell me what my stories are inside yours.

-Superheroes, that wonderful song that gives visibility to mental health.

-The reception it has had is amazing. I think it is a real song, it is a song that is worth more for the intensity of the things that are happening with it than for the amount of how it is being heard. It’s a long-term song, I think it has a lot of room for it and it’s bringing a lot of joy. People are covering it, they are dancing to it, they are writing poetry, I am receiving messages with very beautiful stories. She has been worth it.

-You say it’s a long-term song, I think it’s forever, one of those you say about the soundtrack of my life.

-It is a song that, even if time passes, people will keep in mind. Go to it when you want to remember how you felt the first time you heard it. Superheroes talks about the most universal thing that exists and that is emotions and the ability to be oneself again. There is a reality between Mr. Rain and me and that is that we have gone through a bad time in which we have had to take care of ourselves. I think that is also the story of many people who will be able to hear the song.

-Suddenly I read in an interview of yours that you sing about heartbreak, but not about revenge now that it is so fashionable to make songs with directed messages.

-Look, I have never said this and it seems silly, many people who stop me on the street and talk to me tell me to make a topic of revenge. I have phrases about revenge, but I have not dedicated an entire topic to it. But a lot of people need that song to break their ex mentally, to feel better about them. In my life I am not vindictive at all, I forget things very quickly, also because I don’t like to spend time on bad things and that’s why I don’t. I write them. I’m not an If you do this to me, I’ll do this to you person.

-You have made visible and normalized that the anxiety that has accompanied you in your life…

-It is the minimum, normalize the normal. There is anxiety, some more and others less. It makes us more human to show weaknesses. When I say it on social media I do it because I have realized that it helps, it seems that if I say it it is more normal.


-You have collaborated with many colleagues, who would you like to be next?

-Actually, I have said that phrase and it has come true. I have collaborated with Estopa, Alborn, Melendi, Vanessa Martín, Omar Montes. The craziest thing I had was Ricardo Arjona and I have also collaborated. Crazy, crazy, crazy is Ed Sheeran. Now I have nothing in mind, I want life to surprise me.

-Your phone rings and they tell you I need you to write me a song. Who would you like that call to be from?

-I have written collaborations like with Mal, I proposed a phrase to Alborn, with Estopa… but I haven’t made a whole song for anyone. Not right now because I’m very selfish and I want all the good phrases for myself. I have enough with me. Well, if Ed Sheeran comes to me I’ll do it for him

-So you’re from Betis.

-S, s.

-The next hymn would have to be yours.

-I would love it. We are in talks, it would be an honor for me. I am now with another anthem, it is from the Trunks of the Kings League (it will be presented tomorrow at the Palau Sant Jordi).

I would love to do the Betis anthem, it would be an honor for me.


-It’s a bit excessive when you say you’d rather make the Betis anthem than win a Grammy.

-I will do everything, but make the Betis anthem. Buah I’ll be looking for the lyrics for months, looking for everything.

-How many emotions do music and football move!

-Very much. He goes intrinsic. Although I have dedicated my life to music, I don’t let go of football. I spent six years playing as a winger and forward. Football is always in my life. I enjoy it a lot, I would like to have more time to play, but I have had seasons when I played in Los Mares, which completely eluded me. And I miss it. I love it and I got the Dazn subscription to watch all the games.

-Did you play as a winger and then as a forward? Explain that to me…

-I started as a right back, but because I was embarrassed, I was very shy, I went to full back because I went unnoticed. Afterwards I gained more confidence and went forward, but it has nothing to do with it. I had the best time as a forward. I played indoor soccer for a while. I liked Juanito, Capi. I went to that time. Juanito had him as a reference.

-How did the Kings League anthem come about?

-I went to Andorra to promote with Gemita, she interviewed me with different people. By chance, while talking, they told me that they were going to have an online competition if I wanted to enter. There I met Perxitaa, one of the captains of the Kings League. Perxitaa’s girlfriend, who is Violeta, is a super follower of my music and captain of Las Troncas and told her that she would love it if she did the anthem for the Queens. She liked the anthem so much that she said they wanted it to be the King’s anthem too and that’s how it all came together.

-I know you’re from Betis, but don’t tell me you wouldn’t like to sing at the Bernabu…

-I would love it. Next up for WiZink is the Bernabu. I would love it. I want to get to a point where WiZink becomes smaller. I have never entered the Bernabu. We recently collaborated with Atlético and they opened the Metropolitano for us. I was very surprised.

I want to get to a point where Wizink becomes smaller. The next thing from Wizink is the Bernabu


-Was a pleassure to talk with you. Happy WiZink tonight…

-Thanks. I wait for you.

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