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Big Joke, the police officer in charge of the Daniel Sancho investigation, admits to having paid journalists who covered his cases

Everything surrounding the case of Daniel Sanchowho is in provisional detention in Koh Samui prison after confessing to the murder and dismemberment of Colombian plastic surgeon Edwin Arrieta, it turns out to be the most murky.

And it is that who should ensure the cleanliness of the investigation, Suruchate Hakparnbetter known by his nickname Big Joke, who is being investigated for corruption, has admitted that he paid several journalists during some of his most renowned investigations.

The deputy director of the Thai National Police stated this this Wednesday in an interview on a social media program, where he said that He had paid “three or four journalists,” but explained that this was not about corruption.from their point of view, but had simply given them money to cover the cases.

The reasons for payment

According to the words of the deputy director of the Thai police, in exchange for this money he did not ask the communicators to “do anything specific.” The reason was none other than to give a kind of tip to the reporters: “It is known that journalists are not well paid”said.

When the reporters accompanied me to cover the news, I gave them 10,000 baht (about 250 euros) for their work. I have between three and four journalists who have worked with me for a long time,” said the Buddhist monk.

Some statements that take place while The police officer is being investigated for his alleged participation in betting operations online.

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