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*** BILDplus content *** Charles’ coronation will be a mega party – there is no room for Harry and Meghan!

The great coronation of the new king is getting closer and closer: On May 6th, King Charles III. (74) put on the crown. 240 days after the death of his mother Elizabeth II († 96). Charles was already the successor, but only now is the pompous ceremony waiting.

A mega event that many have not yet experienced, because the last coronation on the island was 70 years ago. Accordingly, few compromises should be made – according to the “Daily Mail”, Charles’ party should “take our socks off”. The celebration will last three days.

Over 2000 guests are expected. But not everyone is welcome… Find out with BILDplus where and why Harry and Meghan have to stay outside. And what’s planned for Charles’ coronation. A palace employee speaks to BILD. Also about Camilla and the powerful woman behind the king.

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