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Bjart Ballet artistic director fired for inappropriate behavior

Bjart Ballet artistic director fired for inappropriate behavior

GINEBRA.- He director artistic director of the Bjar Ballet de Lausanne (BBL) dance company, Gil Roman, was fired for “inappropriate and intolerable behavior” at the Paris opera house, announced the Foundation Council that manages the prestigious Swiss institution.

The Frenchman was hit in 2021 by accusations of sexual harassment for which an audit was carried out and which led to the dismissal of the production director for “comments and attitudes that fall within the notion of sexual harassment in the workplace” .

Gil Roman maintained his position “with specific support and monitoring.”

However, the Foundation Council decided this week to fire him, criticizing him for inviting the former production director to the first evening of the BBL performances at the Paris opera in January, “and then to the subsequent private aperitif in the presence of all the dancers.” .

“After clarifying the facts and having listened to Gil Roman” on January 30, the Foundation Council “considered that this behavior was inappropriate and intolerable for the institution and even more so for the dancers, given the conclusions of the audit and the decisions made in his moment.”

The dance company was founded in 1987 by French choreographer Maurice Bjart, master of contemporary dance.

The contract of Roman, who took over as artistic director in 2007 after Bjart’s death, will end on April 30.


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