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Blümchens sex hour – That was my first time with Lucas Cordalis

Lucas Cordalis (55) is currently in the jungle camp and sometimes tells a story or two. Preferably about his late dad, singer and king of the jungle Costa Cordalis († 75).

Otherwise the man chats away Daniela Katzenberger (36) doesn’t really matter much. But there would be this beautiful blast story: singer Jasmin Wagner (42) had her first time with jungle camper Lucas. If only you could indulge in old memories while watching the night watch around the campfire…

At the end of the 90s, pop star Blümchen (“heart to heart”), as she called herself at the time, was head over heels in love with the Cordalis son. She was 17 then, he was 30. And: With Lucas she had her first sex!

Jasmin Wagner and Lucas Cordalis were a couple from 1997 to 2001

Photo: adolph press/REETZ

The singer told BILD what felt like an eternity ago: “Lucas Cordalis was my first husband.”

And: “My first sex was a wonderful experience. I was just about to mature from girl to woman. Lucas was very sensitive and considerate, a great lover. I noticed that he brought a lot of experience with him.”

It happened back then in a hotel room. Nobody was allowed to know that for a long time. As Jasmin 2019 for BILD then a few of hers again Revealed secrets, she said about her former love for Lucas, who is now happily married to TV star Daniela Katzenberger and has a daughter (Sophia, 7) with her:

“He was my first real boyfriend. My first time. We had to keep it as secret as possible. The record company even wanted to break us up because a relationship didn’t fit my image.”

Still running into each other today: Lucas Cordalis and Jasmin Wagner in May 2022 at the Megapark season opening on Mallorca

Photo: Getty Images

Jasmin Wagner and Lucas Cordalis were a couple for four years (1997 to 2001), too Lucas spoke openly about the flower sex.

“It was incredibly romantic,” he revealed to BILD. “I had never slept with a virgin before, so I was extra considerate. We made love multiple times throughout the night until the sun came up.”

“All the girls thought he was super hot back then,” Jasmin Wagner later recalled in an RTL interview. “Of course I thought he was hot too, but I thought it was great that he was interested in me. Then we became a couple.”

As a young girl, she found it “particularly exciting” that “an older man was interested in me,” says Blümchen. “I found him mature, grown up, great, adored him.”

Jasmin aka Blümchen in 1997. At that time she met Lucas Cordalis

Photo: picture alliance / dpa

In the meantime, Jasmin Wagner has long been an experienced woman and mother herself, and has her own at the turn of the year Announced engagement to Danish fashion entrepreneur. He is the daddy of her baby girl, who she gave birth to in November.

and Lucas? He is currently fighting in the jungle camp for viewer sympathy and the crown.

Maybe the slippery Blümchen sex story somehow escapes him…

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