Bouchard: Tennis is a great sport for sex appeal

The sporting career of Eugenie Bouchard underwent a radical change that no one can explain. Tennis lovers remember the Canadian player who became number 5 in the world (October 2014) after reaching the Wimbledon final, and now occupies 524th place in the WTA ranking due to injuries and poor results. She is also a star on social mediawhere she has more than two million followers on Instagram.

The tennis player, who has only played three matches in 2024, has conceded one of his most candid interviews. He did it on the podcast Not alonewhere he has acknowledged that his sex appealthe power of physical and sexual attraction of a person, has helped him a lot in his life. Bouchard believes tennis is a great sport for sex appeal because of the clothing worn during matches. It has helped her a lot to get lucrative contracts with well-known brands.

Tennis, first and foremost, is a great sport for sex appeal. We wear short skirts, tops… It’s nice to turn on the TV and see that. That’s helped me get off-court contracts.I have been asked several times to appear on the cover of Sport Illustrated in swimwear. That was on my bucket list. It’s part of who I am and I think it’s great. It helped me grow my fan base, my audience, and that got me booked. That could get someone from Miami to come watch me play tennis. Why stay in a box? Why not try to grow or improve, transcend tennis or explore other fields?he says.

I could live comfortably the rest of my life without hitting a ball.

The Canadian believes that this aspect, in which beauty is valued more than sport, is beneficial for the world of tennis. That’s good for tennis in general, for women’s tennis, for women’s sport. It’s good for everyone.she asserts. Bouchard acknowledged during an interview at the Mutua Madrid Open 2023 that He could comfortably live the rest of his life without hitting a ball thanks to the sponsorship deals he has signed throughout his career.

I could sit on my couch and watch Netflix and that sounds appealing, sure, but after two days, I’d go crazy. I needed a project, something to do and it was like, As long as I still feel young physically, why not continue playing tennis? I’ll pursue other projects later, but right now let me see what I can do until I decide not to play anymore.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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