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Brad Pitt, rejected by his children: He is desperate to make peace with them

Brad Pitt, rejected by his children: He is desperate to make peace with them

The actor is devastated, especially since Shiloh requested that he drop his father’s last name.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie separated in 2019. However, from that time until now, the couple continues to face some issues, such as the legal battles over their French vineyard, or the relationship that the actor maintains with his six children: Maddox, Pax, Zahara, Shiloh, Knox y Vivienne.

His relationship is practically broken with almost all of his children, and some of them have even chosen to remove their father’s last name.being the last to do so Shiloh, who hired and paid his own lawyer to handle the situation. A topic that has left the interpreter devastated, as pointed out by several sources close to US Weekly: Brad has been devastated by his choice. For him it was more than a name change: it was a symbol of deeper distancing, but one that has been brewing for years.. She used to be very close to Brad and his family, but that relationship has changed in recent years.

Another source has indicated to the aforementioned media that unfortunately, Brad doesn’t have much of a relationship with his children. He’s not willing to give them up, but knowing that they are giving up his last name is sad.. Brad is putting on a brave face, but behind closed doors he is finding it extremely difficult to accept what is happening. The children have struggled to forgive and connect with Brad since the divorce. His mother is the head of the family and she has raised them with love and selflessness all her life. Once Brad was gone, it was very difficult for them to see him in a war with his mother..

Their gap has only widened over time

And it is no longer even thought that their reconciliation is possible, since their differences do not stop growing: Unfortunately, their gap has only widened over time. The children found it difficult to reconcile with Brad despite his repeated apologies and efforts to rebuild trust. Brad’s relationship with Maddox and Pax is non-existent at this point, and he barely, if ever, hears from Zahara. Maddox was very affected by the plane incident and has taken it upon himself to be Angelina’s protector.

Pitt always tries to even spoil his children when he sees them, but all his efforts are in vain: Brad makes a great effort to pamper the children when they spend time with him.. Order your favorite meals and make the most of those few hours. He is very secretive and does everything possible not to be photographed. Angelina is the complete opposite, she is very aware of when she is being watched and knows the image of her as a loving mother.

What all sources agree on is that The performer has apologized for his past actions and acknowledges his anger issues and the influence of alcohol on his behavior. He is desperate to make peace with his children..

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