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BRASILIA.- He Brazilian government On Monday he called for an “impartial verification of the results” of the presidential election held in Venezuela this Sunday, after the opposition denounced fraud by the Nicolas Maduro regime.

In a statement released by the Foreign Ministry, the government of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva reaffirmed “the fundamental principle of popular sovereignty, to be observed through impartial verification of the results” of the vote.

Likewise, the Lula government asked the mission of the United Nations Organization (UN) in Venezuela to Carter Centerwho served as observers during the electoral process, to carry out an analysis of the results offered by the National Electoral Council (CNE) and allegations of fraud made by the opposition.

Brazil He also said he would “closely follow the vote counting process” and welcomed “the peaceful nature of yesterday’s (Sunday) election day in Venezuela.” Brazil “awaits, in this context, the publication by the National Electoral Council of the data broken down by voting table, an essential step for the transparency, credibility and legitimacy of the result of the contest.”

According to official results released by the pro-government Venezuelan CNE, with more than 80% of the votes counted, Nicolás Maduro was re-elected for a third six-year term with 51.1% versus 41% for opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia.

The Venezuelan opposition denounced fraud in the vote and declared itself victorious with 70% of the votes, against 30% for Maduro.

Before the election, Brasilia toughened its tone with Maduro’s government. President Lula said he was frightened by the president’s words about a “bloodbath” in the streets if he did not win the election.

Source: With information from El Nacional / AFP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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