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Breaking news in the Sancho case: the Prosecutor’s Office opposes requesting his extradition to Spain

The Madrid Provincial Prosecutor’s Office opposes requesting the Thai authorities to extradite Daniel Sancho Bronchalo for the case that is open in Spain due to injuries. This would be a maneuver so that the son of actor Rodolfo Sancho and his ex-partner Silvia Bronchalo could return to Spain, instead of remaining in Thailand, where he will be tried after confessing to the murder and dismemberment of the Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta, a process where in all probability The death penalty will be requested for him as it is considered a premeditated homicide.

According to the Public Ministry, there are “alternative” measures to the extradition maneuver so that Sancho can be tried for injuries and, in addition, The Prosecutor’s Office does not “know” that the chef’s trip to the Asian country was to avoid the process in Spain. According to this, “it has always been available to the court in all the summons received.”

Crime of injuries

The case of Daniel Sancho opened in Spain corresponds to an altercation he had with a citizen while waiting for a taxi on José Abascal street in Madrid. There they would have faced each other in the queue that the actor’s son would have jumped.

For this reason, he was reported for injuries and the Prosecutor’s Office requested a year in prison for him and payment of the civil liability derived from the crime. At the moment, is waiting for the date for the start of the hearing to be set oral. However, on September 8, his lawyer notified that Sancho is in provisional prison in Thailand and requested that the procedures be initiated to request his extradition and surrender to the Spanish Justice.

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