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Britney Spears expelled from the Four Seasons for being topless: I love making people feel uncomfortable

Britney Spears expelled from the Four Seasons for being topless: I love making people feel uncomfortable

The name of Britney Spears has once again monopolized a list of headlines in the American media, but not for the announcement of his return to music or the release of a song, but for having been kicked out of a luxury hotel in Los Angeles for being toplessa practice that he regularly manifests on social networks with very daring images and videos, as revealed The Sun in exclusive.

Guests and staff at the Four Seasons Hotel in Los Angeleslocated in the county of Westlake Village, they complained about the attitude that Britney Spears expressed during her last stay in this place. Some of them say that the artist walked with her breasts covered through common areas such as the pool. Some guests have complained that she goes in topless by the pool and makes them feel uncomfortable, and their behavior is often strange and annoyingreports the aforementioned British tabloid, who has contacted sources close to the hotel.

Awkward silence…

The high cache of Four Seasons users has caused the hotel management to decide to ban the artist permanently. It is not the first time that the company has banned the popular artist from entering, given that in 2008 she starred in a very similar episode. Britney has been banned from the hotel, they lifted her ban and now she is banned again.

The protagonist of this veto has broken her silence on social networks. She claims that she loves to make the people around her uncomfortable. Awkward silence… I love making people uncomfortable… Here’s to gold, she wrote accompanied by a video where she is seen dancing. This is not all, this episode has raised a division on social networks, where some support the artist, while others criticize her attitude.

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