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Bruce Willis turns 69: without recognizing his family and without knowing how much time he has left

Bruce Willis turns 69: without recognizing his family and without knowing how much time he has left

These are not easy times for Bruce Willis, much less for their family and friends. The actor turns 69 today, and on social media they have wanted to reach out to those close to the performer, sending him messages of encouragement and full of affection to celebrate his birthday.

It was in 2022 when Willis’s retirement from the world of acting was announced, to which he has given so much in the form of films, which in turn translated into successes. An actor who rose to fame thanks to projects such as Die Hard, Pulp Fiction, Armageddon and The Fifth Element, among others. A series of projects that, although they have not been awarded by the Academy, have left their mark on millions of viewers.

Your diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia

Since then, Bruce Willis has focused on his family after being diagnosed with frontotemporal dementiawhich is rare and affects the frontal and temporal lobes, causing alterations in their language and personality. A disease that is getting worse, and which was initially thought to be aphasia, which affects language and leads to other cognitive diseases.

The last time the actor was caught on camera was during the 30th birthday party of his daughter, Tallulah Willis.. Some images taken by her ex-wife, Demi Moore, and in which he appears in poor condition, but smiling, and leaning on her daughters.

Nobody knows how much time is left

The family has been staying together all this time, taking refuge in the actor and taking advantage of every moment with him, and as different media have been pointing out, his health has been deteriorating greatly with the passage of time, reaching no more. be able to recognize Demi Moore, as a source close to the family told Closer: His memory faded. Demi realized that he didn’t really recognize her. She is devastated. She had no idea that she had fallen so far.

For now he can recognize his current wife, Emma Hemming, and his daughters, although he is not able to maintain conversations with them, as he admitted. Glen Gordon Caronfriend of the interpreter at the New York Post: he is no longer totally verbal. He used to be a voracious reader and now he doesn’t read. All those language skills are no longer available to you.. However, he is still Bruce. When you’re with him, you know he’s Bruce and you’re grateful he’s there, but the joy of life is gone.

Additionally, US Weekly contacted a friend of Bruce Willis, who confessed that Bruce has good days and bad days, but in the last two months there have been many more bad days than good. This experience has brought the whole family even closer together. No one knows how much time Bruce has left, so they are soaking up every moment they spend with him.. The focus is on him being close to the people he loves and being reminded of the happy holidays of the past.

His daughter, Tallulah Willis, announces her autism diagnosis

Apart from Bruce Willis, at the beginning of the week his daughter, Tallulah Williswhich has announced on its social networks that it recently He has been diagnosed with autismwhich I didn’t know until very recently.

It was the daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore who published an old video on her networks with her father on a recent red carpet during the presentation of a film. Some images in which the interpreter appears holding the little girl in his arms, who is touching his head. A gesture known as stimming, which translates as self-stimulating behaviors, and which can be a common practice in people with autism.

With all this, Tallulah herself has decided to title the publication revealing her autism: Tell me you’re an autistic person without telling me you’re an autistic person.adding an emoticon of a person laughing.

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