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Bruce Willis’ wife, upset with the doctors: “An absolute lack of respect”

It was in November 2022 when Bruce Willis He retired from the world of acting. A decision that came after the actor was diagnosed with aphasia, a disease that was affecting his verbal and non-verbal communication. A health problem that, after analyzing it, they ended up determining that he suffers from frontotemporal dementiaa rare dementia that affects language and personality.

Since then, there have been very few occasions on which the ‘Die Hard’ actor has been seen, among other titles, seeing him, above all, surrounded by his family and friends, including his wife, Emma Hemminghis greatest support.

The model and actress has proven to be very active on her social networks, and for this reason she wanted to raise awareness about her husband’s disease, frontotemporal dementia, which is also known by the initials DFT, which she has talked about on her profile. on Instagram on the occasion of the World FTD Awareness Week: “You know, our work doesn’t end there. “I feel like I’m just scratching the surface.”

The young woman has also taken advantage of this opportunity to talk about the evolution of Bruce Willis, where in addition to sharing advice, she also wanted to send a message to the doctors who diagnose people with this disease: “I will only say one more thing because Now I’m upset. When doctors go to the media and talk about dementia, they say ‘Alzheimer’s and other dementias’. So FTD is the ‘other dementia’ and let me tell you something about that disease; It’s real, it’s out there and it can beat you”.

I think it is a disservice and an absolute lack of respect that these ‘other dementias’ are put in that category. I think it’s really important for us to know what these vascular diseases, like Lewy body dementia, like FTD, look like; Call them what they are because that’s where the confusion lies,” Willis’s wife added.

And Emma Hemming believes that other types of dementia should not be classified as “other”: “When people think of dementia, they automatically think of Alzheimer’s. I don’t want this disease and our ‘other dementias’ to be swept under the rug any longer.. Once again, there is a reason: let’s keep raising our voices.”

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