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Bruce Willis’s health seriously deteriorates: No one knows how much time he has left

Bruce Willis's health seriously deteriorates: No one knows how much time he has left

There is a star in the Hollywood firmament that began to fade months ago. The health of Bruce Willis He has been on the covers and exclusives since he announced last year that he was retiring from acting. At the beginning of this calendar the worst scenario was confirmed: frontotemporal dementiaa brain disorder caused by the abnormal accumulation of proteins that damage brain cells. A relentless disease that has no cure.

In recent months there has been an accelerated worsening of the interpreter’s health to the point that every report the family offers is a thrust for those who love the world of cinema for culture, in general. The last one has been leaked by Us Weekly, who have contacted a friend of Willis. And his confession has been emotionally hard. Bruce has good days and bad days, but in the last two months there have been many more bad days than good.begins his harsh diagnosis.

The warmth of family

The period of time referred to by the actor’s friend has also been the time in which he has been most able to surround himself with the affection of his loved ones. This experience has brought the whole family even closer together. No one knows how much time Bruce has left, so they are soaking up every moment they spend with him. The focus is on being close to the people he loves and they remind him of the happy holidays of the past, he reveals, like someone who finds a ray of light in the darkness of a blackout. At the end of the day that is family.



He still appreciates the Christmas season and loves having his entire family under one roof to listen to music, eat, and watch old home movies., adds the cited source. Despite these beautiful words, the health of whoever played the legendary child psychologist in The sixth Senseor even the cinematographer himself was amazed with The jungle of crystal, It is so delicate that you will barely be able to enjoy these dates. In fact, he no longer recognizes his ex-partner, Demi Moore, with whom he had three daughters.

In a recent interview for Todayhis wife, Emma Hemingwho is also the one who spends the most time with him, his greatest supporter, said that the neurodegenerative disease was preventing him from being aware of everything that was happening around him. Dementia is difficult, that’s what I’m learning. It’s hard for the patient and it’s hard for the family, for Bruce and for our daughters., he said then. The speed with which his star is losing light is of a cruel intensity, like the passage of time when it accelerates or like the force with which relatives whose torrent of affection accompanies the actor these days clench their fist.

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