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Buckingham reveals that King Charles III suffers from cancer

Buckingham reveals that King Charles III suffers from cancer

MIAMI.- The Palace of Buckingham revealed that the king Charles III was diagnosed with cancer. Through a statement, the royal institution clarified that it is not a tumor in the prostate, but he pointed out that it was found when the monarch underwent an intervention due to the enlargement of this organ.

However, according to the BBC, the type of cancer he suffers from or the stage in which he is found is unknown. “During the king’s recent hospital procedure for benign prostate enlargement, a separate issue of concern was noted. Subsequent diagnostic testing has identified a form of cancer.”

Likewise, Buckingham emphasized that Charles III is already receiving regular treatments to combat the disease.

“(The king) remains totally positive about the treatment received and hopes to return to fully performing his public duties as soon as possible,” reads the published letter.

King’s engagements

The diagnosis has caused the king to postpone his public commitments. This implies that other members of the royal family, such as his son William, Prince of Wales, and his wife, Queen Camilla, replace him in some of the events that the monarch had scheduled.

Likewise, it was learned that the monarch is not moving away, for now, from his role as the head of state of Great Britain.

King Charles III, 75, was admitted to the London Clinic on January 26 to undergo prostate surgery. However, the royal family stated that the monarch was stable and would rest in the coming weeks, after being discharged on January 29.

“The king thanks his medical team for their quick intervention, which was possible thanks to his recent hospital procedure,” the letter continues.

The intention to make public the treatment he underwent was because Carlos wanted to encourage men not to be afraid and go for a regular check-up to avoid health problems. Likewise, it was revealed that it was Carlos himself who decided to make the recent diagnosis public to avoid speculation.

“Her Majesty has decided to share her diagnosis to avoid speculation and in the hope that it can help public understanding of all those around the world affected by cancer.”

Elizabeth II’s heir was seen on Sunday, February 4, in Sandringham, leaving a religious service. At the scene, his majesty greeted the crowd that was waiting for him.

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