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Callejeros returns to Cuatro ten years later: release date and time

Callejeros returns to Cuatro ten years later: release date and time

Four was a baby when he started broadcasting Strays. If the channel broadcast for the first time on November 7, 2005, Just four days later, the innovative and shocking report format was released. which for nine years accompanied viewers to the most particular nooks and crannies of society and put them in front of the most colorful characters one can imagine.

When it stopped airing in 2014, the chain was somewhat orphaned; Therefore, when his return was announced, the nostalgic smiled. Now there is a release date and the countdown has been activated to immerse yourself in street journalism again. As confirmed by Cuatro, The format will return on Wednesday, March 6 at 10:50 p.m.

This expected return will materialize in a report titled Annoying neighbors, the first of the season. As announced last November, a new team of workers will be in charge of traveling to the corners of the country to tell the stories that reside there; commanding, Nacho Medinaone of the ideologues and creators of the program.

Cradle of a television style

Of Strays Other formats were born that lasted over time. In reality, it was the cradle of a television style and origin of a generation of journalists that were used to extend it even beyond national borders.

Hello Hello, Stray Travelers, Party Party, distant stoves, Travelers Four y In the spotlight These are some of the programs that were born in the heat of this first-time space, all maintaining, with the obvious differences that they present with each other, some of the keys that made the format stand out as a different element on the grid.

As for the names that came out of there, they stand out Jalis de la Serna and Alejandra Andrade. The first managed to be the face of Special delivery y the hurt Locker; the second, of Out of cover. Together, from Imprisoned. Different formats that, in some way, drink from the extinct and reborn Strays.

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