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Camilo and Evaluna receive a visit from a hummingbird on the day of the album’s premiere

Camilo Echeverry y Evaluna Montaner received the beautiful and unexpected hummingbird visit at his house this Thursday, when the Colombian premieres his album “De Adentro Pa’ Afuera (Deluxe Edition)”.

“I woke up excited because today my deluxe album and God surprised me with this. Evaluna discovered a hummingbird that got lost inside the house and was scared,” said the artist on his Instagram profile.

Camilo shared short videos where you can see how he and his partner gave water to the hummingbird and finally the bird took flight, although it stayed a while longer walking through the artists’ garden.

“We tried to help him and he allowed us to meet him, talk to him. Evaluna made him a little drink. We became friends and we were able to accompany him until he resumed his flight,” he said. indigo’s dad.

In many cultures the hummingbird visit in a house it is a symbol of very good omens. It is even said that they carry the soul of loved ones who watch over us and our happiness.

“When he was ready to leave, he flew out and mounted on my head as if saying goodbye and giving me one of the most beautiful moments of my life. I don’t know how God communicates with you, but he does it that way with me,” said the Colombian singer, very excited.

This June 8th the album “From Inside to Outside (Deluxe Edition)” with live versions of Camilo’s songs, where you can listen to the interaction of the public at the artist’s concerts. An experience that the musician wanted to share with all his followers.

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