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Camilo and Evaluna’s clarification about the supposed non-binary gender of Indigo

In recent days, rumors on social networks began to state that Camilo Y Evaluna Montaner they had decided to raise their daughter Indigo gender non-binary. The couple, in an unusual act, used their social networks to make their defense and explain the truth behind this statement. Meet him in the following note.

The singing couple announcement in the second semester of 2021 that they would become parents for the first time. Since then, the name that they both chose for themselves has always attracted attention.

Indigo was the name selected and they assured that it had a unisex sense, since they were not going to know what sex the baby had until it was born.It is a name that we like for boys and girls. A name that we can tell him from now on without having to think about whether he is a man or a woman. We really liked it, plus it’s one of the pretty colors”explained Evaluna in an interview for Despierta America in October 2021.


Since early 2023 reports have circulated where beyond choosing a unisex name for your baby, the couple allegedly made the decision to raise their daughter as gender non-binary.

Supposedly so that, once she grew up, she would choose which gender – female or male – she identified with.

Along with these reports, multiple Internet users began to write criticisms of this alleged decision on the social media posts of Evaluna, Camilo and the Montaner family.

Some internet users also judged them for referring to her in feminine terms if they had supposedly chosen to raise her without a specific gender.

In this photo, Calimo attending to Índigo (Photo: Evaluna Montaner / Instagram)


The couple does not usually pay attention to the rumors that circulate about them in the media and social networks. However, on this occasion, they found it necessary to talk about the reports that their “daughter would be recognized as non-binary.”

“Several days ago we have been receiving a mouthful of questions and intensity from the media and especially from gossip programs about an alleged news claiming that we had decided that our daughter would be recognized as non-binary”Camilo wrote at the beginning of a long statement on his Instagram stories.

Later, he warned that they respect people who identify with this gender. However, she denied that they have made this decision. “We deeply respect the people who make this decision, but it is not our case. They took out of context some videos of interviews where we referred to Indigo in a neutral way because until the day he was born we never knew his sex because we never did an ultrasound”, he continued.

In a second Instagram story, the “Pegao” singer explained why they decided to speak out on the issue this time, unlike other occasions when they have kept quiet about fake news.

“We thought not to pronounce ourselves on the matter, and to let it pass, as we have done the 50 times that they have said that our marriage is in crisis, that we are going to get divorced, etc… But we found the amount of hate messages and judgment we receive”he added.

Likewise, they indicated that their experience with the “hate” they received made them reflect on what the LGBTQ community constantly suffers from the intolerance of many about the different ways of loving.

“And we began to think about how people in the LGBTQ+ community might feel, for example, in the face of a world that points at them, judging them, with fingers pointing and condemning. Imagine how intense and complex it can be for a person going through such a recognition process, and finding themselves with a society full of stones in their hands waiting for the first sign to throw them.”he went on to explain.

Finally, Camilo closed his message with words of love and signed it with his name, that of his wife Evaluna and their daughter Indigo. “We believe and strive to create a world and a future where we invent more ways to love each other, recognize each other, respect each other, and embrace each other with our differences. We send you a hug, a hug from the soul and from the center of our family nucleus. Camilo, Evaluna and Indigo”.

Evaluna, for her part, reposted her husband’s story with heart and prayer emojis.

Evaluna’s repost to Camilo’s “stories” (Photo: Evaluna Montaner / Instagram)

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