In Haute-Savoie, 13 women with cancer or in remission will participate in the Vogalonga, in Venice (Italy), at the end of May. To achieve their goal, they practice rowing on Lake Annecy. Encounter.

White cap and smile, Charlène Bonnithon is a warrior. In 2020, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. This is followed by six months of chemotherapy and remission, then the appearance of new tumors in the liver. Twice a week, this young mother comes to clear her head on Lake Annecy (Haute-Savoie). “For me, it’s like meditation. It’s peaceful. It clears the head. We forget about the disease. It reconnects us to ourselves, to our body”explains Charlène Bonnithon.

“A hell of a challenge”

United against cancer, the 13 women share the same objective: the Vogalonga, in Venice (Italy), at the end of May. This aquatic hike is one of the most famous in the world with its 35 kilometers rowing. “It’s a big day of hiking, a big challenge with a lot of people. It’s beautiful”, says Rémy Ducret, the coach. According to Charlène Bonnithon, the Vogalonga “is quite a challenge” which allows “recover your self-confidence”. In Venice, it will be necessary to row for at least 5 hours.


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