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Cande Tinelli confirmed sad news

Part of last year, Coti Sorokin and Cande Tinelli They were a recurring theme in show programs due to their comings and goings, a couple who broke up and returned on several occasions, although no information was ever available on the causes. Although it seemed that the situation had calmed down, now it was learned that they broke up again and the reason, this time, would have been infidelity.

The actress confirmed what many rumored.

It is that the singer’s followers were surprised to see that she uploaded many photos alone and decided to ask her. For that reason, to end this situation at the root, she replied: “Yes, I broke up.” “Relationships have to be worked on. These generations find it difficult to sustain something, there is little tolerance, little patience and you have to learn to work at it,” he commented. Cande Tinelli at the time in one of the returns.

But it seems that now the situation has become untenable, after it came to light —through the “Gossipeame” account— that Coti would have been unfaithful to the jury of “Sing With Me Now” with a flight attendant, an action that would have caused the relationship to reach a critical point. In this way, it would seem that Cande Tinelli and the singer ended the couple once again and now it seems that definitively.

Cande Tinelli’s goals for 2023.

The last time the two parted ways, she stated: “There is an impasse. I prefer not to talk, but it’s all good the same. I love it, it’s all good, but there is an impasse. I’m fine, at a good time in my life. I feel good about myself, which is the most important thing. She got a good hold on me.” Now it seems that cande She wants to start 2023 with everything and told her followers that her goal for this year will be to rediscover herself and “be me again.”

The message that started it all

The rumors of separation are not new, the subject has been discussed for a little over a week after, while answering questions from one of her followers, she hinted that the situation between her and Coti had ended.

With this message, many followers wondered if he had separated.

It is that when they asked her if they were still girlfriends, she and her sister, she replied: “Mica yes, and they love each other very much despite the distance. I love them. Adopt me”, but without answering what his sentimental situation was, leaving between the lines the possibility of separation.

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