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Candela Acevedo, Antonio Tejado’s ex-girlfriend: He is convicted for spreading intimate videos of me

Candela Acevedo, Antonio Tejado's ex-girlfriend: He is convicted for spreading intimate videos of me

Antonio Tejado He entered the Seville 1 penitentiary center a week ago, in provisional prison and without bail for his alleged relationship with the robbery suffered by his aunt, María del Monte, in August 2023. And the Civil Guard investigators consider the television the intellectual author of the robbery.

A case from which new data continues to emerge, especially referring to the figure of Tejado. The last person to talk about him has been his ex-partner, Candela Acevedowith whom I participated precisely in GH VIPand who has given an interview to the magazine Lecturas.


  • La Vanguardia has announced that the footballer will appear in the Barcelona Court on February 22 for his trial for alleged sexual assault.

An interview in which the young woman wanted to talk about what her relationship with Tejado was like, confessing that there were even sexual crimes in between. Antonio is convicted for spreading intimate videos. Acquaintances called me and told me that they had seen more imageshe began by explaining exclusively.

María del Monte’s nephew had released intimate videos of his now ex-partner, and in her words, it could have been to later have sexual relations: The intention, supposedly, of Antonio when he sends videos to a boy is that he later wanted to have relations with him to warm him up..

Furthermore, for this reason, Candela Acevedo decided to report him to the law, leading him to be sentenced to seven months in prison and pay a fine of 6,000 euros because the trial did not take place. Since he had no criminal record, my lawyer told me that it was better to reach an agreement. He recognized the facts. She paid me a portion. He owes me another 3,500 euros.

Candela assures that she was controlled

The young woman also assures that If he weren’t in prison I wouldn’t dare tell this. I found him at the Seville fair last year and my legs were shaking. Antonio was super jealous and had me under control.. He manipulated me and brought me down, he added, also confessing that the police even had to intervene in his house: I was terrified.

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