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Carla Barber’s most complicated stage: “Things did not go as expected”

Carla Barber has become one of the most talked about doctors on social networks. The 32-year-old Canarian woman has a community on Instagram that exceeds one million followers. However, she does not use this profile only to promote her work in aesthetic medicine but also to reflect on motherhood or any other aspect that worries you in your daily life.

In her latest publication, the Canary Islander surprises with a message in which she speaks openly about the hard time she has had to live through when facing motherhood twice and alone. It should be remembered that Carla Barber broke up with Joseph Rodríguez at the beginning of this year when he was going through the final stretch of her second pregnancy. The young woman admits feeling “very alone.”

“Bastian is already sixteen months old and Bosco is five. I have had moments of great sorrow and sadness in recent months,” he begins by saying. “Things didn’t go as I expected and I felt very alone in a moment that should have been magical and wonderful”, she adds, alluding to the breakup with the father of her children. Likewise, Carla Barber faces raising the minors alone since she has full custody of the two babies.

“In those moments when one is sad, He tends to see things quite negatively. But the truth is that I am very, very lucky, and I thank God for it every day,” he continues to express to make it clear that, despite everything he has experienced, he maintains positive thinking.

A painful breakup

Carla Barber has never hidden her pain. Her Instagram profile has served as a means of relief by offering numerous ‘darts’ against her ex-partner such as “it wasn’t what I expected” or “it didn’t live up to certain circumstances.” A brief, but intense romance that has left its mark on the doctor. “No one imagines or knows what I’ve been through and I don’t expect anyone to either,” she went on to say.

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