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Carlo Costanzia explodes against De Viernes: You are taking me to a place where I don’t want to be

Carlo Costanzia explodes against De Viernes: You are taking me to a place where I don't want to be

Carlo Costanzia has once again been one of the protagonists of Fridayone of Telecinco’s latest bets, with which they have sought to have their testimony about the media divorce of his parents, Mar Flores and Carlo Constanzain the middle of his childhood, and his early drug addiction.

He already appeared on the small screen last Friday, but this time, the Toy Boy actor I was going to sit on the set to explain, give my version, which is the reality of the facts, let’s say legal ones, that are attributed to me. and that many media outlets speak, let’s say in an unknowing way, and above all saying many falsehoods, as he himself has told in the Mediaset space.


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The interpreter had already addressed the topic of his addictions, pointing out that he started taking antidepressants due to bullying from his classmates at the age of 7, but on this occasion, he has gone further, sending a powerful message to the audience about these addictions. addictions: You are not cooler, you are not more integrated, nor better. You’re a loser if you get into drugs. I know I have been a survivor, but I feel like a failure for what I have done.

Annoyed with the Telecinco program

But, in the middle of his intervention on the program, they broadcast a video that ended up angering Carlo, and it reviewed the legal battle that his parents fought for his custody. A video for which Bea Archidona asked: Have your parents apologized over time? I don’t know if you, being in the middle over the years, have tried to mediate…, to which the young man has not hesitated to respond with discomfort: But let’s see, sorry. I come here to talk about me. You are asking me things that you should ask them.. Why don’t you ask them?

The presenter justified herself, assuring that no, if we loved it, we would love it. Obviously, you talk about your experiences and this is part of your childhood, to which the actor responded again, with discomfort: The strongest thing is that All these videos that you are showing me now, and that I have been watching for a week, I had never seen them in my life.. A m You are taking me to a place where I do not want to be and a place that I have already overcome with a lot of pain.. What need is there for you to take me there again? When it doesn’t concern me I love this.

I think that show statements of my mother saying things about my father or vice versa, it does not have to define exactly what I am coming to tell. (…) It could also be contextualized as a bad separation, without needing to bring up all those things, he added, very upset with De Viernes.

It was then that the collaborators wanted to explain to the actor that the separation from his parents was so publicized that they wanted to include several of his statements to put the audience in context to understand his situation.

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